Holly Flax Quotes Page 2 of 5
Quote from PDA
Holly: I cannot keep myself from Michael. Everything he does is sexy. He has this undeniable animal magnetism. He's a jungle cat. The man exudes sex. He can put both his legs behind his head.
Quote from PDA
Michael Scott: What are our plans for tonight? Umm...
Holly: [imitates a squeaky bed; they both laugh]
Quote from Company Picnic
Michael Scott: Well, in his infinite wisdom, David Wallace has authorized us to put on a little presentation about the history of Dunder Mifflin.
Holly: Yep, the old comedy team is back together again.
Michael Scott: That's right.
Holly: [in a New York accent] Have ya hoid the news? Extry! Extry! Read all about it!
Michael Scott: Newspapers for sale!
Quote from PDA
Michael Scott: I haven't thought about you having to go back to Nashua.
Holly: Maybe we didn't want to think about it. We can make it work. We'll date long-distance.
Michael Scott: That's what we said last time. Remember? We broke up on the drive. How's this gonna be any different?
Holly: We weren't in love last time.
Michael Scott: I was in love with you.
Holly: I'm not saying it won't be hard. But we can make it work. That's what she said.
Quote from Crime Aid
Michael Scott: So, when can I see you again?
Holly: Tonight. I'm free tonight. Is that too eager? I don't care. I'm free tonight.
Michael Scott: Okay. Oh, wait. Oh, tonight's no good. Because I am busy taking you out.
Holly: Oh, I just remembered. I can't tonight.
Michael Scott: Why?
Holly: I'm going out with you.
Michael Scott: [chuckling] Wow. Wait a second. I can't tonight.
Holly: No more.
Michael Scott: Tonight's so-
Holly: No more.
Michael Scott: All right. Too many times. It's all good.
Quote from Weight Loss
Angela: Listen, dummy, it's not that hard. All you have to do is take the numbers from the sales report and type them into a master spreadsheet. A g.d. monkey could do it. I do not understand why you can't do it.
Holly: No! You do not talk to him like that!
Angela: But he's an idiot!
Kevin: Hey.
Holly: He is not an idiot.
Kevin: Thank you, Holly.
Holly: He is mentally challenged. But he's doing a super job here.
Kevin: Wait, back up. Do you think that I'm retarded?
Holly: Wh-? No. Dwight-
Angela: Oh, Holly, that is very offensive.
Holly: I'm sorry.
Quote from Business Ethics
[Olivia Newton-John's "Let's Get Physical" starts playing]
Michael & Holly: Let's get ethical, ethical I wanna get ethical Let's get into ethics Yeah, let me hear Dunder Mifflin talk Your body talk Let me hear your body talk-
Michael Scott: Whoo! All right!
Quote from Goodbye, Toby
Toby: Michael Scott, this is Holly.
Holly: Hi.
Michael Scott: Hi, yeah, right. Okay, well, they hired a female Toby. Good for the world. Thank you, god, for creating two of you. Here's how things work here. My job is to make the office fun, your job is to make the office lame. And we have an eternal struggle, you and I. And only one of us can be the winner. Spoiler alert I'm gonna win.
Holly: Man, someone doesn't like H.R.
Michael Scott: Yeah.
Holly: What did you do to him?
Toby: Nothing.
Michael Scott: No, he tortured me with his awfulness.
Holly: Yeah, I know what you mean. I nearly fell asleep when he gave me a tour of the files. Well, look, I'll let you get back to work, but I really look forward to working with you, Mr. Scott.
Quote from Goodbye, Toby
Holly: Hi.
Kevin: Hi.
Holly: What do you do?
Kevin: I do the numbers.
Holly: Oh, good for you.
Kevin: Do you want an M&M?
Holly: Oh, no, that is so sweet. But thank you, though.
Kevin: Yeah, I keep them here at my desk so that everybody doesn't take them.
Holly: Well, that is a very safe place for them.
Kevin: Yeah.
Quote from Goodbye, Toby
Holly: Hey, Kevin.
Kevin: Hi.
Holly: Do you need some help?
Kevin: I can't decide what to get.
Holly: Well, what do you like to eat?
Kevin: Well, I like pretzels, but I really like chips.
Holly: Hmm. Well, how much money do you have there? Okay, let's see. 50. This is a button. 55, 65... Okay, you have 75 cents. So that means you could get anything up on the top row.
Kevin: Hmm.