Clark Quotes   Page 2 of 3  

Quote from The Whale

Pete: Toby got us all to participate in Movember. It's a charity for prostate cancer. You pledge money and then you grow a mustache for the month of November.
Clark: So, this is how we look now. I hope you like being turned on all the time.


Quote from Suit Warehouse

Sam Stone, Jr.: I'm sorry, you guys are here to sell us paper?
Dwight K. Schrute: Do you mind? The men are talking.
Sam Stone, Sr.: Sons used to idolize their fathers.
Dwight K. Schrute: Us old timers need to stick together. And how better than by signing a contract?
Sam Stone, Jr.: I'd love to! Sam Junior here, he runs the business now. Kind of pushed me out, truth be told. I'm just here for human contract.
Sam Stone, Jr.: Okay Pop...
Dwight K. Schrute: Wait, so you're the boss?
Sam Stone, Jr.: That's right.
Clark: Hi, I'm Clark.
Sam Stone, Jr.: Hey.
Clark: Let's talk.
Sam Stone, Jr.: Okay.
Clark: So if you look at our catalog here...

Quote from Suit Warehouse

Clark: I mean, look, you and I both know that in paper or fashion, styles change. Check out my dad's suit. You are looking at pure acrylic. That's why his face always breaks out.
Sam Stone, Jr.: Does that suit come with a fire extinguisher? [Clark chuckles]
Clark: You know what, Dad? Maybe you should buy me a suit. I mean, I'm going to need one right? If I'm ever going to get a "real job" and move my "lazy ass" out of your "G.D. house".
Sam Stone, Jr.: He's got you there.

Quote from Junior Salesman

Clark: You know what, man? I deserve this job.
Dwight K. Schrute: Mm-hmm.
Clark: I scored Stone and Son Suit Warehouse with you, and God knows, to get the Scranton White Pages with Jan, I went above and beyond. And under.

Quote from Junior Salesman

Clark: [sighs] You interviewing for the sales job too?
Rolf: No. You're interviewing for it. I'm getting it.
Clark: Well, I wouldn't be so sure about that. I mean, I've been working here 12 weeks. That's a full season of Homeland. A ton of things can happen in that amount of time, as we've seen.
Rolf: I'm Rolf. Rolf Ahl.
Clark: Rolf Ahl? Sounds kinda like Roald Dahl.
Rolf: Go to hell.

Quote from Junior Salesman

Dwight K. Schrute: Okay, here's one. A customer who ordered enough paper to qualify for a volume discount now wants to return half the stock. You can't rebate the sales price or credit for future purchases because you brokered the deal for a third party.
Clark: That's just a classic no-win situation.
Dwight K. Schrute: Thank you.
Clark: So I'd Kobayashi Maru it.
Dwight K. Schrute: Damn it! Perfect answer, again.
Clark: Yep.
Dwight K. Schrute: Okay, think, Dwight, think. You have a ream of 16-bond...
Clark: You know what, Dwight?
Dwight K. Schrute: And anoth—
Clark: This interview's over, and I get the job. I just Kobayashi Maru'd the whole process.
Dwight K. Schrute: No.
Clark: Yeah. Star Trek rules.

Quote from Couples Discount

Andy: This is what I'm talking about. This would be good to know. All right, what else?
Phyllis: We started selling balloons.
Andy: What?!
Clark: Yeah. And, uh, Kathy Ireland signed on as the official spokes-babe of Dunder-Mifflin.
Andy: No kidding?
Clark: Yeah. In the European billboards, she's gonna be topless.
Andy: Wow. Go Kathy. She's like 50.
Clark: They're tasteful.

Quote from Stairmageddon

Clark: Hey, wait, wait, how- How are we doing this?
Dwight K. Schrute: Well, I'll grab the forelegs, and you push his hindquarters.
Clark: Just say "arms" and "legs," okay? That just- That's the vernacular that I'm comfortable with.
Dwight K. Schrute: Fine, let's go. [grunts] Hoist his shank on three.
Clark: Wha- What's a shank?
Dwight K. Schrute: It's by the tenderloin.

Quote from Livin' the Dream

Jim: Okay. The annex it is. I'll be sitting at your desk if that's okay with you.
Clark: That's fine with me. Have fun. But be careful, it is very easy to get lost in Pete's beautiful, dead eyes.

Quote from Promos

Clark: Oh my god, is that you and Jim?
Pam: Uh huh.
Clark: Jeez, you fell in love with that hair? Really? [laughs] Yikes. That is awful.
Pam: It wasn't so bad.

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