Erin Hannon Quotes     Page 7 of 11    

Quote from Search Committee

Erin: I think Andy should be the boss. He's just so great. If I'm being objective, then Darryl, of course.


Quote from Spooked

Phyllis: Is she Asian?
Erin: I don't know. She's from somewhere, I bet. Maybe from the forest.
Phyllis: Forest? Did Andy say his girlfriend's from the forest?
Erin: I don't know, Phyllis. Maybe she's from the city.

Quote from Christmas Wishes

Andy: Hey, everyone. I want you to meet Jessica, she is an assistant cross country coach at Bryn Mawr.
Erin: Wow.
Andy: Erin, by the way, amazing receptionist.
Jessica: Oh, that's great. Backbone of the office.
Erin: Which is funny, actually, because my spine is a mess.
Andy: What?
Jessica: Oh.
Erin: Scoliosis. Had to wear a back brace for three years but I never did.

Quote from Christmas Wishes

Erin: [imitating Stanley] I want.. my sugar free cookie, and then I want a sugar cookie. [group laughs] And then I want my nap!
Stanley: That's right. [laughs]

Quote from Trivia

Host: All right, first question everyone: Ray Charles famously had this state on his mind. What is its capital?
Andy: Oh, we got this!
Creed: Let's reverse engineer this. You're a black singer. Where do you go? Somewhere where you're a novelty. Alaska?
Stanley: Atlanta.
Phyllis: Oh, I know you think that, because that's where the Olympics were held.
Cathy: My cousins were actually at those Olympics.
Stanley: Keep talking all you want.
Kevin: How am I supposed to know what was on his mind? Ooh, what do blind people think about?
Erin: Okay, dogs, canes, signs, manholes, stairs, piano, darkness.
Host: Okay, time's up. Let's get the boards up. "Atlanta, Georgia" is the correct answer. [Kevin holds up "What is... SEE-attle"]

Quote from Trivia

Host: Ring it in when you know it. First question: This man had a fatwa declared on him when- [Erin rings bell] Einsteins?
Meredith: What?
Erin: What is it?
Meredith: What?
Erin: I did my part, babe. I'm just the bell girl.

Quote from Trivia

Host: Heading out to sea, sailors. On a square-rigged ship, the sale set furthest forward is called what? [Erin rings bell]
Meredith: Princess Ding-Dong, do not hit that bell unless-
Erin: Flying jib.
Host: Flying jib is correct for the Einsteins.

Quote from Tallahassee

Dwight K. Schrute: Hey, hey, hey, hey! Wake up! [Erin kicks him] Ow! Why are you sleeping that way?
Erin: Oh. I was reading the mattress tag and I fell asleep.

Quote from Tallahassee

Dwight K. Schrute: Okay, Twiggy, that's enough. Get in the car.
Erin: Hey, are you okay?
Dwight K. Schrute: I'm fine, okay? It's just stress. You know, 'cause I care about this project. And frankly the fact that none of you are vomiting or diarrheal right now I find very alarming.
Erin: Who says none of us are diarrheal?

Quote from Tallahassee

Dwight K. Schrute: [on the phone] I just got out of surgery. What's going on? Fill me in.
Erin: Well, we broke into groups and the groups are doing presentations later.
Dwight K. Schrute: Who's doing the presentations?
Erin: Packer's giving one. [Dwight growls] Jim'll probably give ours, I guess.
Dwight K. Schrute: Damn it!
Erin: Let's see, what else have you missed? Ryan switched his name tag to his pants, so now it's like if you wear yours on your shirt, you're a total dip, but if you switch, you're a copycat. But I think I figured out a solution. [wearing name tags on both her shirt and her pants] What else?

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