Monica Geller Quotes     Page 51 of 56    

Quote from The One with the Ick Factor

Rachel: What are you playing with?
Ross: Oh, it's my new beeper.
Joey: What the hell does a paleontologist need a beeper?
Monica: Is it, like, for dinosaur emergencies? "Help. Come quick. They're still extinct."


Quote from The One Where Monica and Richard Are Just Friends

Monica: Come on, we're gonna put our hands in this bowl and we're gonna start squishing the tomatoes.
Richard: This feels very weird.
Monica: You touch people's eyeballs and this feels weird?
Richard: Sure, I touch them. But I spent years learning not to squish them.

Quote from The One with the Cat

Monica: "Chip" is Chip Matthews.
Ross: The guy who took Rachel to the prom? Why's he calling you?
Monica: Because I ran into him at the bank. He is still so cute.
Ross: Monica, you're so lucky. He's, like, the most popular guy in school.
Monica: I know!

Quote from The One Where Everybody Finds Out

Monica: Now you go back out there and seduce her till she cracks.
Chandler: Okay. Give me a second. Did you clean up in here?
Monica: Of course.

Quote from The One with Rachel's Sister

Monica: I have not been sick in over three years. [sneezes]
Chandler: I'm going to grab you some tissues.
Monica: I don't need a tissue. I'm fine-d.
Ross: When you put a "D" at the end of fine, you're not fine.
Monica: I'm fine-d. I'm fine-d. You know, it's a really hard word to say.

Quote from The One with the Two Parties

Monica: Listen, I don't mean to be a pain about this but I've noticed some of you are just placing them on. You want to push the caps until you hear them click.

Quote from The One with Chandler in a Box

Monica: Well, maybe you can give it to somebody else. Like Ross Geller.
Chandler: Oh, you know what, though? It's kind of a girlie briefcase.
Monica: Who cares? He works in a museum.

Quote from The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS

Ross: Well, Emily's willing to work on the relationship.
Rachel: That's great!
Chandler: Yes.
Ross: In London.
Monica: What?
Ross: She wants me to move to London.
Monica: But you live here. You know that.

Quote from The One with the Routine

Phoebe: Ooh, ooh. We have a live one.
Rachel: Oh, it's a Macy's bag.
Phoebe: Yeah. Ooh, who's it for?
Rachel: "Dear Losers, do you really think I'd hide presents under the couch? P.S. Chandler, I knew they'd break you."
Phoebe: Uh-oh. She may be onto us.

Quote from The One with the Apothecary Table

Chandler: Why does she not want to hang out with us?
Joey: Because she thinks you are blah. And that you, Monica, are too loud.
Monica: What?! [whispering] What?

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