Phoebe Buffay Quotes     Page 108 of 109  

Quote from The One Where Everybody Finds Out

Phoebe: You should be. I'm very bendy.


Quote from The One with the Girl Who Hits Joey

Ross: Can you believe that guy?
Phoebe: I know. I really like his glasses.

Quote from The One Where Ross Can't Flirt

Monica: What about these? Do these look the same?
Phoebe: Definitely.
Monica: Not as each other.
Phoebe: Then, no.

Quote from The One That Could Have Been (Part 1)

Phoebe: No, no. I said sell when it hits 50. Five-oh. It's a number! It comes after four-nine. No, it's okay. It's okay. You're allowed one mistake. Just kidding. You are of course fired.

Quote from The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth's Dad

Rachel: Oh, wait. And "On the 19th, a secret crush announces itself." [Phoebe flirts at Chandler]

Quote from The One with the Vows

Rachel: Monica, what? What is the emergency?
Monica: You have to help me. I'm supposed to be writing my vows and all I have is this.
Rachel: Well, I like the pretty little drawing of you in the wedding dress.
Monica: Thank you.
Phoebe: Yeah, except your breasts look kinda small.
Monica: Those are my eyes. Those are my breasts.
Phoebe: Oh, yeah.

Quote from The One with the Videotape

Monica: Now that Ross knows, can you tell us how it happened? When did it happen? How many times did it happen?
Phoebe: Monica, that's not right. Start with where.

Quote from The One with Joey's Interview

Phoebe: I'm going to get some coffee. Anyone want anything?
Rachel: Yeah. I'd love a blueberry muffin and chamomile tea.
Ross: Double latte, extra foam.
Chandler: A bagel with only-
Phoebe: I was just being polite.

Quote from The One with Ross's Tan

Amanda: Hello! It's so nice to see you. Both of you, look at me. Look how young I look! Oh, gosh, we have so much to catch up on. But first things first. Touch my abs. I don't exercise at all. Oh, gosh. So, Monica, you're married.
Monica: Yeah, his name is Chandler and he's-
Amanda: Oh, smell my neck. It's not perfume. It's me. It's my natural scent.
Phoebe: Musty.

Quote from The One with Ross's New Girlfriend

Phoebe: [talking to Monica's hair] All right, let's see. Now, some of you are gonna get cut and some of you aren't. But I promise, none of you will feel a thing.

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