Jonah Simms Quotes     Page 6 of 27    

Quote from Halloween Theft

Jonah: Incidentally, I'm... I'm Brexit. How has nobody asked me about that all day?


Quote from Pilot

Jonah: I was just trying to have some fun.
Amy: This might be a cultural thing, but around here, the less screwing everything up you do, the better.
Jonah: You talking about the cans or the pricing thing?
Amy: You see, the fact that it's your first day and there's already more than one option of things you screwed up is not a good thing.
Jonah: Okay, I've made some mistakes. I can admit that, but that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun at work, does it? Or try and find some moments of beauty in the everyday?
Amy: Wait, I'm sorry. Did you really just use the phrase "moments of beauty," like, conversationally?
Jonah: Okay, yes, that's cheesy, but... Do you remember American Beauty? Even a plastic bag can be breathtaking. [throws bag in the air]
Amy: Wow. That really blew my mind. Like... [mimics explosion] I have goose bumps.
Jonah: I felt something. [to Brett, who picked up the bag] I'm Jonah. It's my first day.

Quote from Wedding Day Sale

Jonah: Yeah, yeah, no. That would be... really, it'd be perfect for a traditional wedding cake. But we were talking more of, like, a dessert pot luck kind of a thing.
Garrett: For a wedding? That seems a little adventurous.
Cheyenne: Jonah says a lot of weddings are doing more DIY elements.
Jonah: We're just looking for something a little more specifically curated to Cheyenne and Bo's...
Garrett: Ugh, that word.
Jonah: You said I could say "curated" once a week. I chose now as my time.

Quote from Demotion

Jonah: Yeah, listen. Dina, the... Um... There are some things that I wanted to say to you, and I've been having a tough time saying it, so I recorded it on my phone and I would like to play it...
Dina: Hey, relax. Whatever it is, we will deal with it together, as a couple.
Jonah: Okay, I'm just gonna... I'm gonna press play, okay? Just, um... Just force myself to press play.
Jonah: [on recording] Gala apples, hummus, kale chips.
Jonah: Oh, no, no, no. No, no, no.
Jonah: [on recording] Skinny girl margarita mix...
Jonah: That's not... that's not it.
Dina: Hey, it's okay.
Jonah: [on recording] It's the wrong voice memo.

Quote from Back to Work

Jeff: Sorry, here's what I'd like to do. I'd just like to take a walk around. Observe how things work. We'll meet later and discuss ways that we can all improve.
Amy: Oh, sorry, did you just say, "we can all improve"? 'Cause none of this happened because we weren't doing our jobs well.
Jeff: Sure, but... everything is a two-way street.
Amy: Yeah, but... some things are just... one-way streets.
Jonah: You need both, you know? One-way streets are useful in terms of traffic flow... [off Amy's look] whereas I lost track of the point I was trying to make.

Quote from Seasonal Help

Jonah: 20 bucks on Isaac the Ginger Giant.
Garrett: Man, this is intense. I didn't even know we sold dry erase boards this big.
Jonah: Bought it at a different store. Who's next?
Cheyenne: So we just pick one?
Jonah: It's a pari-mutuel betting pool with live odds, no rake, and I'm open to exotic bets, okay? You know, exactas, trifectas, quadrellas, or "quaddies."
Garrett: Or we could all just pick one.
Cheyenne: Pick one, nice.
Jonah: Fine, so whoever's temp quits first takes the pot? Okay, cool. I mean, I... I worked out all the odds, I guess, for nothing. But I had fun doing it, so good times. Who's next?

Quote from Tornado

Jonah: [over PA] Attention, shoppers. If you are the owner of a four-door, beige, sexy Cabriolet, your lights are on. That again is a beige, sexy Cabriolet.
Garrett: Subtle.
Jonah: I'm just talking how I talk.

Quote from Workplace Bullying

Jonah: You know what? I'm glad you got written up. You are a bully.
Dina: Well, I'd rather be a bully than a castrated garden gnome.
Jonah: A garden gnome? What would you even castrate?
Dina: Well, who knows what's under those little pants? That's not the point. The point is, at least I'm not too weak to stop a simple robbery.
Jonah: That was an awkward situation. I could have destroyed that guy.
Dina: With muscles like those? Come on.
Jonah: I'm wiry because I work out with resistance bands, but believe me. They can get the job done.

Quote from Health Fund

Jonah: Enzymes... Apple cider vinegar has good enzymes.

Quote from High Volume Store

Jonah: I mean, maybe it was just who we are collectively as a nation at the time, but things just really felt like they could be solved.

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