Glenn Sturgis Quotes     Page 36 of 37  

Quote from Depositions

Jonah: Okay, state your name for the record.
Glenn: Glenn Sturgis. Why are you writing that down? That's the right answer.
Jonah: No, no, this is what lawyers do. They might take notes, but you can't let that distract you.
Glenn: Oh, mind games! Oh, okay, well, sure, yeah... game on. Check and mate. Oh.
Jonah: Sure. Uh, also, they might let a quiet moment hang after you've answered a question. Silences are uncomfortable, and so people will try to fill them and then end up saying more.
Glenn: Oh, okay. Got it. No problem. [sighs] [awkward silence] Ha. What is this? Are you doing it now? [Jonah is silent] Are you mad at me? Did you find out that I accidentally hit your car in the parking lot? Because it was just a scratch! You think you're so perfect, you know? Well, I used to have a body like that once. So, you know... Sso check out your future, you fart face!
Jonah: Okay. So, some things to work on.


Quote from Depositions

Glenn: And April was kinda fun because the ducklings were having a tea party, and, you know, just imagining them trying to drink that tea with their beaks. You know, there's no way they got all of it.

Quote from Depositions

Jonah: What's inappropriate, Hannah, is you all trying to squeeze out a big payday from this good, kind man.
Glenn: Jonah.
Jonah: No, Glenn, I got this. Look at your ducklings. Sir, could you point to the motherboard on this robot for me?
Stu: No, I can't.
Jonah: No, you can't. Hannah, can you update the sim card on the robot?
Hannah: No.
Jonah: No?! Huh! That's interesting. Because you all have had the exact same amount of training that Cloud 9 gives its floor supervisors.
Glenn: Jonah, I did it.
Jonah: S-sorry?
Glenn: Well, not at first, but I watched hours of online videos and eventually, I figured it out. That's what I was just showing them. I kept records of everything. Every update, every new hardware install. It's all right here in my calendar. I did everything that corporate asked me to do. So I don't know what happened with Carol, but it is not on me. Anyway, if there are no further questions, I have been nervously holding my pee for six hours, so I really need to get to a men's room. Oh, and Jonah, I don't think I'll be needing your help with that either.

Quote from Customer Satisfaction

Glenn: Oh, my God. She's right. Zephra just fired Gil Richelieu from Kirkwood. He was manager there for 15 years, and then, one bad safety report, and he's out. He gives massages at the airport now.
Cheyenne: Ew. Which terminal?
Glenn: Two.
Dina: There is no way in hell I am working at Terminal Two, so we need to push these surveys hard. Not one customer leaves without taking one.
Glenn: They'll die before I let them leave. Unless they really need to go, in which case, I'll completely understand!

Quote from Customer Satisfaction

Glenn: Excuse me, ma'am. We're doing a customer survey. Do you have time to tell us...
Woman: Time? [scoffs] I work two jobs and have three little ones at home. Do you think I have time?
Glenn: Uh, no.
Woman: I do the shopping and the cleaning and make dinner. Tell me, do I have time to take a survey?
Glenn: No! You're so busy.
Woman: And do you think Richard notices?
Glenn: No, he doesn't!

Quote from Customer Satisfaction

Man: Oh, man. Really? No pizza?
Glenn: Yup, that's what we're saying. But can I offer you a free hot dog as an apology?
Man: Yeah, thank you. I really appreciate that.
Glenn: You do?
Man: Yeah, thanks so much.
Glenn: That's great, 'cause we really are out of pizza. There's no dough, there's no sauce. No Italians in sight. Hey, don't forget to put that on your customer survey!

Quote from Lowell Anderson

Glenn: [on the phone] Sorta straight. Yeah.
Cheyenne: [enters] Glenn.
Glenn: S-sorry, one second. I'm on the phone with a fancy hair salon. Yes, but it just needs to be, you know, groundbreaking. Well, you're the expert, Trinity, you tell me. Okay, no, that's good. All right, I'll see you soon. Love you! Sorry, that was strange. I'm a little nervous. Love you. Bye.
Glenn: What's up?
Cheyenne: Lowell was just saying that he wants the store to be more "hands-on," and I just worry that his ideas might be slightly... fully wack.
Glenn: Okay, look, Lowell's methods may seem strange, but that's because we're not on his level intellectually. I mean, this morning, I watched a squirrel unwrap a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup for an hour.
Cheyenne: Glenn, you have to get TikTok. That's, like, literally all it is.
Glenn: I know, I know. Look, just do whatever Lowell wants, 'kay? And I'm sorry, I'm in a rush. Trinity's working out of her aunt's kitchen, and we have to wrap it up before the cacciatore prep starts.

Quote from Perfect Store

Glenn: This looks completely natural. Just a drink display in the bedding section.
Amy: Obviously, the bag of feet stays between us until we can call it in.
Cheyenne: Yeah, just real quick. I did mention it to Mateo.
Garrett: A bag full of feet? [all shushing]
Cheyenne: Mateo, I told you not to tell.
Mateo: I only told these two. Also, I texted Eric, and he told his work, but that's it. [Amy groans]
Jonah: This is so not a big deal, okay? I mean, of course, it is for the victims' families, or, who knows, maybe there's no victims. You know, maybe it's just a med school prankster.
Dina: Or a grave robber or morgue bandit.
Amy: Let's just stop guessing and not tell anybody else.
Glenn: Yeah, and don't worry that God is gonna be mad or hold us in judgement. We're doing the right thing, or at least we will be in a few hours when we stop doing this.

Quote from Perfect Store

Glenn: Sorry, sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to step back a few feet. I mean yards. Yards, you know. Forget what I said about feet. Just forget it.
Jonah: You good, Glenn?
Glenn: No, I'm not good. Tell me, how do you think he removed them? Do you think maybe they just fell off like acorns?
Jonah: You know what, buddy? Maybe.

Quote from All Sales Final

Jonah: Welcome home.
Amy: Thank you. It's good to be home.
Glenn: Amy! [gasps]
Amy: Glenn, hi.
Glenn: I am so happy to see you.
Amy: I wasn't gonna not say goodbye.
Glenn: We are so short staffed today.
Amy: No, I wasn't planning on-
Glenn: Just tell you what. Grab a vest in the back.
Amy: I've got something I gotta-
Glenn: We're super light in Grocery.
Amy: But the thing is, I had a-
Glenn: Just do whatever you can do. My God, this is like God sent me a literal angel.
Jonah: [chuckles] Like I said, welcome home.

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