Ms. Morello Quotes     Page 3 of 8    

Quote from Everybody Hates Promises

Chris: Well, you're saying that, even though I'm Class President, I can't change anything around here?
Mrs. Milone: Exactly.
Chris: Well, if I don't have any power, how can you let them impeach me? I mean, come on, I can't do anything. Can I at least get French fries at lunch?
Ms. Morello: I always thought you'd be more the sweet potato type.
Mrs. Milone: The point is, Chris, the students run the student government, and they can do what they want.
Chris: And I can't do anything.
Mrs. Milone: That's not true. Maybe you can talk them into letting you stay in office.
Ms. Morello: That's a good idea. Give another one of those speeches. But if I can make a suggestion, maybe this time you should try rhyming.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Maybe you should try Prozac.


Quote from Everybody Hates Eggs

Greg: What's CJH? Is that my egg's initials?
Ms. Morello: No, that's my Corleone Junior High stamp, so I'll know you don't switch eggs. Now, look inside your baskets and you'll see see the name of your partner for the week. Chris, we have an uneven number of boys and girls, so I thought I'd make you a single father. I know it's something you can relate to with your childhood and all.
Chris: I have a father.
Ms. Morello: Oh, I know, Chris. If only your mom knew his name. Just so you embrace this project to the fullest, I brought something special for you.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] If it's my baby's mama, I hope she doesn't have feathers.
Chris: A brown egg?
Ms. Morello: They're all the same on the inside.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Except my egg's gonna get pulled over by the police more.

Quote from Everybody Hates the Substitute

Chris: Ms. Morello?
Ms. Morello: Oh, Chris, you're still here. I was so afraid the system would have brought you down by now.
Greg: We thought you were in Africa.
Ms. Morello: I was, but there was a civil war.
Greg: A war?
Ms. Morello: Fortunately, they found a way for all the White people to get out.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Same thing happened in New Orleans.

Quote from Everybody Hates Cutting School

Ms. Morello: The fact is, you shouldn't be here.
Chris: Well, I'm sorry. I just wanted to see this movie. I didn't think missing one day of school would hurt.
Ms. Morello: Chris, I know you must be a big Ernie Hudson fan - Thalmus is, too - but do you think Ernie Hudson cut school to go see Gary Coleman movies while he was growing up?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Gary Coleman made a movie?
Ms. Morello: And, Greg, you should be ashamed of yourself. You can see a White man in a movie anytime.

Quote from Everybody Hates Math

Ms. Morello: Now, Chris, my request for the school to provide you with an alternate victory meal of ribs and pigs' knuckles was denied, but I know as well as you do that you loves you some pizza, right?
Chris: Uh... right.
Ms. Morello: Well, I'd like our class win, but If you don't get your average up, that's not going to happen.
Chris: But I'm trying. I just don't get algebra. Maybe you could tutor me after school.
Ms. Morello: I'm sorry, Chris. I don't have time. Have you called the United Negro College Fund? Maybe they can help.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] History would later prove her wrong.
Ms. Morello: All I'm trying to say is: if you don't get algebra, we don't get pizza.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] And I'm gonna get sliced.

Quote from Everybody Hates the Guidance Counselor

Chris: I thought the test didn't count.
Ms. Morello: Chris, everything counts. You should know that. I would expect Greg to get suckered in by someone saying that, but with all your street smarts, you should know better than that. I'm sure with all the careers available with... hair care companies and dance show hosting, it's hard to decide, but you're going to have to apply yourself, even for that.
Chris: Hair care companies and dance show hosting?
Ms. Morello: My point is: to help you get off on the good foot, I've made an appointment for you to see the new guidance counselor.
Chris: Guidance counselor?

Quote from Everybody Hates the New Kid

Ms. Morello: Chris, you must be so happy. You must feel just like Jackie Robinson when Larry Doby arrived.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] More like Robert Perish when Dennis Johnson showed up.
Chris: Who's Larry Doby?
Ms. Morello: He was the second Black man in baseball, but he was taller than Jackie and more... strapping. With his strong shoulders and Nubian profile. His Cleveland Indians uniform complimented by the rich caramel color of his skin. And the way he swung his bat. [giggles]
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Forget jungle fever. She's having a jungle seizure.
Chris: Ms. Morello, are you okay?
Ms. Morello: Uh, yes. Anyway... after years of being alone and ostracized, you now have a soul brother. Somebody to talk jive with and to shoot dice with, to talk about being raised by MaDear with. Just seeing the two of you together would make your leaders like Dr. King and Uncle Remus proud. Oh, happy day! [giggles]
Adult Chris: [v.o.] She might have been crazy, but she was right. I finally had somebody I could really relate to.

Quote from Everybody Hates Ex-Cons

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Since I didn't know how to get Malvo past the eighth grade, I decided to ask a professional.
Ms. Morello: Chris, this is wonderful. You're like a one-man Operation PUSH.
Chris: Thank you.
Ms. Morello: And Malvo, with the proper education, you can do so many things. You could be a garbage collector, garbage truck driver, garbage truck dispatcher. The list is endless.
Chris: So what do you think we should do next?
Ms. Morello: I've got an idea. Why don't you sit in - which your people have historically been good at - and audit my class?
Malvo: "Audit" means to attend classes or lectures as an auditor. Auditor means "hearer" or "listener."

Quote from Everybody Hates Ex-Cons

Chris: So, how would that help him?
Ms. Morello: Well, if he's preparing for an equivalency test, he needs classroom experience. It'll help him get acclimated.
Malvo: Acclimated: "to accustom or to become accustomed to a new climate or an environment."
Ms. Morello: [laughs]
Chris: Thank you, Miss Morello.
Malvo: Yes, thank you.
Ms. Morello: Chris, I think this is a great way for you to get your father off the streets.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] And in her bed.

Quote from Everybody Hates Tattaglia

Ms. Morello: Chris, I thought you'd like that room. That's why I had you placed there.
Chris: You put me in that class?
Ms. Morello: Yes, but if I had known you were a racist...
Chris: No, I'm not a racist.
Ms. Morello: Well, I don't hear any of the White kids complaining about being around you.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] It's hard to talk when you're wearing a hood.
Ms. Morello: And I think that's mighty white of them.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] While I regain my composure, let's hear a word from our sponsors.

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