Jonah Simms Quotes     Page 4 of 27    

Quote from Shots and Salsa

Jonah: You know, it's funny that you mention walls. Because that summer that I spent doing Habitat for Humanity, I was literally building... [both groan] What?
Amy: You know, you find ways to work that into conversation a lot.
Garrett: Mm-hmm.
Amy: I try not to say words like "hammer" or "roof" when I'm around you.
Garrett: One time you got there from Hugh Laurie.
Jonah: Look, my point is, there are people who do nothing and there are people who do something, and I am one of those people.
Amy: Hmm.
Jonah: The... the something group.


Quote from Mannequin

Jonah: Yeah, I don't... okay. I'm not seeing any of that. I'm seeing... I mean, what? If anything, he looks like Tom Cruise, I guess? [both laugh]
Garrett: You think you look like Tom Cruise?
Jonah: The mannequin...
Amy: Somebody has a healthy ego!
Garrett: I guess I look like Denzel Washington.
Amy: Yeah, and I look like Salma Hayek. [Garrett laughs] Come on, Denzel. Let's get back to work.
Garrett: Okay, Salma.
Jonah: I just meant that's what the mannequin looks...
Garrett: [scoffs] Tom Cruise...

Quote from Labor

Amy: You're not gonna have the baby in the store. You have plenty of time, Chey.
Jonah: And it could be false labor. You know? That's called a Braxton Hicks contraction.
Amy: This baby is not gonna be born in Cloud 9.
Jonah: Maybe it's Braxton Hicks.
Amy: Okay, we get it. You know the term Braxton Hicks. We're all very impressed.

Quote from Strike

Amy: Excuse me! Support our strike by boycotting Cloud 9. Don't give your money to a company that mistreats its employees.
Jonah: [to customers] I don't know about youse guys, but this broad's making some good sense, huh?

Quote from Halloween Theft

Jonah: Did I steal the fruit? No. Was it an act of civil disobedience that I admire? Yes. Do I know who stole it? No.
Dina: Stop interrogating yourself.

Quote from Halloween Theft

Jonah: Do I like fruit? Yes. What's my favorite fruit? Tropical. Be more specific. Mango.

Quote from Election Day

Amy: What is a comptroller?
Jonah: Something to do with computers, I think.
Amy: Really? Or do those two words just sound the same?
Jonah: They sound the same.
Amy: Yeah.
Jonah: Doesn't mean it's not true, though.

Quote from Election Day

Jonah: Hey, hey I don't know about youse guys, but I'm fed up with these corporate fat cats.
Amy: Not all warehouse workers are from 1950s Brooklyn.
Man: You know what, I'm fed up with these corporate fat cats too. I'll take one of those.
Jonah: Hey!
Jonah: She's a good broad, huh?
Man: And you're a good guy, Jonah.
Jonah: Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Quote from Black Friday

Jonah: Henry, get all the UPTs out of the green zone. If you run into a jam, radio a 62V for a DPR, got it? All right, break!
Amy: Wow.
Jonah: Yeah.
Amy: That was impressive.
Jonah: Didn't know I had it in me.
Amy: I mean, none of it meant anything, but the confidence is inspiring.

Quote from Mateo's Last Day

Jonah: Yeah, 99% of the Internet is just people tearing other people down. It's actually why I am considering leaving social media.
Mateo: Just do it, already. Ugh, you don't get points for talking about it.

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