Leslie Knope Quotes     Page 72 of 75    

Quote from Two Funerals

Tom: Why can't everyone share our commitment to the basic concept of outrageous pageantry?
Leslie Knope: I don't know, Tom. I really don't.
Ian: Oh, no, what do you want, Leslie?
Leslie Knope: Hey, Ian. I need a gigantic banner that says, "Congratulations, Lucy and Tom," and I need it by tomorrow.
Ian: No way. Impossible.
Leslie Knope: Over the past 15 years, I have spent nearly $100,000 at your banner store. I have ordered banners for every personal and professional event that I've ever organized. My credit card company called me about it. Not to question the charges but to sincerely ask me if I was mentally stable.
Tom: See that Rolex Submariner on your wrist, bro? That's 'cause of Leslie. You'll have the banner done.


Quote from One Last Ride (Part 1)

Leslie Knope: Which brings us to 2005... The Circle Park renovation was complete, and a young man named Thomas Haverford was still two years away from getting hired.
Ron Swanson: Perhaps we could skip ahead and just hit the highlights?
Leslie Knope: I mean, I planned a comprehensive retrospective, but I guess I can just focus on the really important moments. Ah! The debate about getting a pod-based coffee machine. Garry and I wrote a little musical number about that, and it goes a little something like thi--
April: Can't we just quickly shake hands, pretend we like each other, and get out of here?
Ron Swanson: I'm all for that.
Leslie Knope: No, April, Ron, we need to celebrate everything that we've done together as a group. This is our last day here! Who knows when we'll all be together like this again?

Quote from One Last Ride (Part 2)

[Pawnee National Park, 2022:]
Leslie Knope: Hey, there you are. Thanks for meeting me here.
Ron Swanson: Well, if you'd have held them here instead of that conference room, I would have come to more meetings. I got to tell you, Leslie, establishing this national park right next to Pawnee is quite an accomplishment. This is a fine piece of land you saved.
Leslie Knope: Thank you, Ron. You want to run it? The superintendent of Bryce Canyon retired, and I convinced the superintendent of this park to transfer, shuffled a few things around. The point is someone needs to take care of this place now. Thought it should be you.
Ron Swanson: I... Well, first of all, I would be working for the federal government.
Leslie Knope: Your job would be to walk around the land alone, you'd live in the same town you've always lived in, you'd work outside, you'd talk to bears. Next argument?
Ron Swanson: There must be dozens of people gunning for this job. I wouldn't want you to ruffle any feathers. Am I even qualified?
Leslie Knope: Well, a few people might be annoyed, but they'll get over it. And as far as your qualifications, you're Ron Swanson. Stop being a dummy and accept.
Ron Swanson: When do I start?
Leslie Knope: Oh, today. I already accepted for you. I still remember how to forge your signature.

Quote from One Last Ride (Part 2)

[Pawnee, 2025:]
Leslie Knope: You know, now that I'm here, it's giving me an idea about this governor thing. Maybe we need fresh eyes, you know, other people to weigh in. We should talk to Ron or Tom or April or Donna or Andy even. Sometimes he can be wise.
Ben: Oh, good idea. Let's call them. Or you know what else we could do? Just talk to them in person.
All: Surprise!
Leslie Knope: Oh, wow.
Ben: It's what you wanted, right, everyone in the same room at same time?
Leslie Knope: I can't believe you. We're all here together in the same room... in this room. I don't think I could be happier right now.
Ben: Want to bet?
Ann: Hi.
Leslie Knope: Oh, Ann's here! Ann. Ann's here!

Quote from One Last Ride (Part 2)

[Pawnee, 2025:]
Leslie Knope: Your hair looks amazing, by the way. You look like a cartoon princess.
Ann: Oh, thank you! That's from the pills I was telling you about.
Leslie Knope: I took some of those, but I don't know, they didn't do anything, and they kind of upset my stomach.
Ann: No, no, no. You're supposed to crack them and leave them on your hair overnight, not eat them.
Leslie Knope: Oh, no. Well, it's confusing 'cause they're delicious.

Quote from One Last Ride (Part 2)

[Pawnee, 2025:]
Leslie Knope: Ben is gonna be running my campaign because he's a super genius, and he's got a tight, compact, little body like an Italian sports car. But right now I'd like to make a toast. When we worked here together, we fought, scratched, and clawed to make people's lives a tiny bit better. That's what public service is all about... small, incremental change every day. Teddy Roosevelt once said, "Far and away, the best prize that life has to offer is a chance to work hard at work worth doing." And I would add that what makes work worth doing is getting to do it with people that you love.

Quote from One Last Ride (Part 2)

[Indiana University, 2035:]
Leslie Knope: I started my career more than 30 years ago in the Parks and Recreation Department right here in Pawnee, Indiana. I've had a lot of different jobs including two terms as your governor, and soon a new, unknown challenge awaits me, which to me, even now, is thrilling because I love the work. Not to say that public service isn't sexy, because it definitely is, but that's not why we do it. We do it because we get the chance to work hard at work worth doing... alongside a team of people we love. So I thank those people who've walked with me, and I thank you for this honor. Now, go find your team, and get to work. [applause]
Josephina: In addition to Governor Knope's honorary doctorate from the School of Public Policy, in recognition of all she's done for the people of Indiana, the campus library will henceforth bear her name. [applause]
Leslie Knope: [under breath] A [bleep] library?

Quote from A Parks and Recreation Special

Ron Swanson: Why are you at work?
Leslie Knope: Well, I shut down every national park in my jurisdiction. Sad but necessary. And then I volunteered for several committees to help us get through this.
Ron Swanson: Did you also create those committees?
Leslie Knope: I did! So many committees, Ron. I'm chairing all of them. It's every girl's dream. But, you know, between that and the kids, I've only been getting two hours of sleep instead of my usual four. This morning, I put oatmeal on my fingernails because I thought it was nail polish.

Quote from How a Bill Becomes a Law

Leslie Knope: [aside to camera] Recently, the Captain of the Pawnee Porpoises swim team asked me if we could keep the public pools open longer so they could log more practice time, and I said, "Absolutely." Because not only am I a city councilor. I'm a city councilor with porpoise. [laughs]

Quote from Campaign Shake-Up

Leslie Knope: [aside to camera] So apparently, Newport just fired his campaign manager because Ben was kicking his ass. Ben is the best campaign manager anyone could ever have. Every move he's made has worked. He's like a brilliant, sexy, little hummingbird.
Ben: What did you just say?
Leslie Knope: Nothing. Keep up the good work. You're doing great. [chuckles]

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