Craig Feldspar Quotes     Page 9 of 11    

Quote from Reese's Party

Craig: Are you sure I'm not too old for Winky Dinks?
Dewey: The box says "for ages eight and up."
Craig: Well, I'm right smack-dab in the middle of that window.


Quote from Future Malcolm

Leonard: My resume.
Craig: (chuckles) Forget this. [rips up resume] You can't learn anything from a resume. So, tell me about your employment history.
Leonard: Well, I...
Craig: Interesting. You know, I like to think of Lucky Aide as a kind of family, and in this family, I'd be your father, and as a father, there might be things I might ask of you that don't make sense, but you do it because I'm your father. No sassing back, just do it. Understand?
Leonard: [quietly] Think so.
Craig: Now, who are you in this family? Are you the second cousin? Or maybe the kooky aunt?
Leonard: Well, you know, I've always kind of seen myself in the role of the younger brother. Eager to learn.
Craig: I never had a brother.

Quote from Future Malcolm

Malcolm: [to camera] Craig's been yammering nonstop for almost an hour. He even made Leonard follow him into the bathroom, but Leonard's tough.
Craig: Now, let's talk about respect. Not self-respect but respect for one's superiors. Now I remember a time... [throws orange at Leonard] Think quick! [chuckles] That's just a little management test I came up with to see whether you're the type of person who confronts problems head-on or avoids them. Which one were you?
Leonard: [quietly] Both.
Craig: Good. [Leonard follows Craig's signal to pick up the orange] And I see that you have no spine. Welcome aboard. Come back in an hour, and we'll get you a trainee vest and a name tag.

Quote from Watching the Baby

Hal: Craig, for God's sakes, I'm in a hurry. Now, I just want the Tidy Winks, okay? I don't have time for a big discussion. Now, please, will you just ring me up?
Craig: Certainly. That will be $7.98.
Hal: [struggles to find his wallet] Craig, don't make a thing out of this.
Craig: Why, whatever do you mean, Hal?
Hal: I'm sorry that I snapped at you before, but I really need these diapers. Can you loan me the money? [both chuckle]
Craig: I could loan you the money, Hal, but that would be helping you. And since you have a tendency to yell at people who try to help you, I don't think that's the wisest course of action for me to take.
Hal: Look, Lois will pay for these tomorrow when she comes in.
Craig: You can't take those! That's shoplifting!
Hal: Fine. Then I'm shoplifting. What are you going to do about it?
Craig: Vernon? [Hal gasps as he bumps up against the large security guard]

Quote from Watching the Baby

Craig: Welcome to our country, Mrs. Namhong. I hope you're enjoying your stay here. You know, I'm thinking about retiring to Cambodia. I hear you can get a hut on the beach with a wife and servants for a hundred dollars a month. The only problem is I need these special orthotics, which are very difficult to find in the tropics. My condition's called pronation, which isn't so bad by itself but when combined with hammertoes...

Quote from Malcolm's Job

Craig: [to Malcolm] Thanks for taking the heat off me. I forgot my shoes again.

Quote from Malcolm's Job

Craig: Of course, I'd be happy to carry your bags outside. We wouldn't want you to get all hot and sweaty out in the blaring heat of the parking lot.

Quote from Malcolm's Job

Craig: Lois, Lois, I just remembered you were holding my lit cigarette in your hand, and I wanted to thank you for holding on to my cigarettes... which are mine.
Lois: He knows.
Craig: Okay. I think I left my register open.

Quote from Christmas Trees

Lois: I'm just going to stop and get Dewey's hamster cage. That squirrel is chewing through the box.
Craig: Do they really have to kill him to find out if he has rabies?
Lois: Do you want the shots?
Craig: [to the squirrel] Wait for me in heaven.

Quote from Polly in the Middle

Lois: It isn't the jacket that smells. There was a fried apple pie in the pocket.
Craig: Oh, thanks, Lois.
Hal: So where are you players headed tonight?
Abe: The Rusty Scupper. Uh-oh, we better get a wiggle on, Craig. Happy Hour starts in 20 minutes and the ladies won't wait.
Craig: They'll wait for you in those new chinos.
Abe: I won't have a chance with you in your leather jacket.
Craig: Not if they get a load of your... [sobs]
Abe: Ah, ah, ah. Come on. How are you going to get on the scene?
Craig: Like a sex machine.

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