Jeff Quotes     Page 7 of 8  

Quote from Town Hall

Neil Penderson: I'm sorry, I don't...
Jeff: Jeff Sutton. I was the district manager before Laurie. I worked with you for 12 years. At the counter, I got your latte that time and you got my tea.
Neil Penderson: Hmm.
Jeff: You know what? It doesn't matter. It's not about me. It's about another former employee named Myrtle Vartanian.
Laurie: Okay, you know what? I think we're really out of time here.
Neil Penderson: Who's Myrtle Vartanian?
Laurie: Myrtle is one of our more experienced employees who was unfortunately let go due to performance issues.
Jeff: Except it wasn't because of performance issues.
Neil Penderson: Oh! Jeff Sutton! Well, of course I remember you. Always drinking tea.
Jeff: Yes! Jeff Sutton, that's me.
Amy: What is this? What's happening?
Jonah: It's not good.


Quote from Town Hall

Neil Penderson: Myrtle.
Jeff: Yeah! Myrtle was an employee here, and...
Neil Penderson: You know what? If I could ever persuade you to come back to Cloud 9, we could definitely use a guy like you in Chicago.
Jeff: Chicago? Hmm. Wow.
Amy: No, Jeff, no, no, no, no.
Jonah: Yep.
Neil Penderson: Anyway, you know what, I'm sorry. I interrupted you, didn't I? What were you saying about Myrtle?
Jeff: Myrtle was a gang member, and that's the reason we had to let her go.
Dina: That's why you never trust a Jeff.

Quote from Town Hall

Jeff: Look, I know how this promotion might look, but believe me when I tell you this is a good thing for all of us.
Dina: How is you selling out good for us?
Jeff: Because now you have a man on the inside, at the top. The inside top, that's where you want to be.
Cheyenne: So, now you're going to use your power to help Myrtle get her job back?
Jeff: Exactly. Probably. I mean, we don't want to rock the boat too much at first. Guys, we're playing the long game here. I will see you at home. Great job today!

Quote from Managers' Conference

Jeff: "Best friends" on three. One... two... best friends.

Quote from Sandra's Fight

Jeff: [on video call] So, Amy, I hear there's some talk of unionizing down there?
Amy: No, no! God, no. I mean, I wouldn't even call it "talk." It's just- It's Sandra.
Jeff: Okay. [dog filter appears] Amy, this is a big deal. They're looking at shutting down some of the stores.
Amy: What?
Jeff: Am I a puppy again? I'm sorry, one second.
Amy: No, it's fine. Jeff, it's fine. [various filters appear] Just what stores are they shutting down? Jeff, leave it!
Jeff: Okay. Fine, sorry. Just can you keep this between us?
Amy: Yes! Of course.
Jeff: We're converting some of the brick and mortars into distribution centers and one of those stores is going to come from your district. So if they hear you're talking about unionizing, it's going to make their decision a lot easier. So you need to squash this.

Quote from Sandra's Fight

Jeff: [on video call] [koala filter] Now I heard they're having a union meeting?
Amy: It's nothing, Jeff. I swear I've got it under control.
Jeff: It's too late! They're making their plans right now. I mean, yours is one of the branches they're getting rid of.
Amy: What? No! No, Jeff, no! Wha- What if I come down there and I-I-I can talk to them myself?
Jeff: It's a five-hour drive!
Amy: Well, then you have to keep them in that meeting for five hours, Jeff.
Jeff: Okay. Well, what if I schedule a new meeting for five hours from now?
Amy: Okay, well, I didn't realize that was an option. Yes, do that.
Jeff: Okay, listen. I can't ask people to stay all night. So we- Have I been a koala bear this whole time?
Amy: Yes!

Quote from Sandra's Fight

Jeff: Yeah, so Claudia Lankow is the person you're going to want to impress. SVP of Operations. She's into dog shows. Breeds pinschers.
Amy: Okay. So I'll work that in?

Quote from Sandra's Fight

Jeff: Shoot, look, we've got to get in there. Are you ready for this? You can do this.
Amy: Do you really think so?
Jeff: I mean, honestly? It's unlikely. Once they make a decision, usually an inertia sets in. But, nothing to lose!

Quote from Sandra's Fight

Amy: Nobody at Store 1217 is talking about unionizing. It is just one single employee who is-
Dina: An idiot. A total complete idiot with no redeeming qualities.
Amy: Well, I was gonna say "harmless." She's harmless. But idiot also works.
Claudia: Listen, even if Ms. Kaluiokalani were to disappear tomorrow-
Dina: Ooh! Love that. Keep talking.
Claudia: Brick and mortar sales are down. That's not your fault.
Jeff: No, it's not. You don't blame the breeder, you blame the handler. Right, Claudia?
Claudia: I don't know.

Quote from Employee Appreciation Day

Jeff: ICE? You're bringing in ICE? Wow, that's, uh, that's extreme.
Dan: Yeah, Jeff, that's why we're doing it. It's extreme. We're also starting a group called Working Families of Cloud 9 that I think-
Jeff: I have to go to the bathroom. [clears throat]
Neil Penderson: You can just go. You don't have to announce it.
Jeff: Okay, it's diarrhea, so I'm probably gonna be gone for a while. [exits]
Neil Penderson: He makes me uncomfortable.

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