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Quote from Jeff in Town Hall

Neil Penderson: I'm sorry, I don't...
Jeff: Jeff Sutton. I was the district manager before Laurie. I worked with you for 12 years. At the counter, I got your latte that time and you got my tea.
Neil Penderson: Hmm.
Jeff: You know what? It doesn't matter. It's not about me. It's about another former employee named Myrtle Vartanian.
Laurie: Okay, you know what? I think we're really out of time here.
Neil Penderson: Who's Myrtle Vartanian?
Laurie: Myrtle is one of our more experienced employees who was unfortunately let go due to performance issues.
Jeff: Except it wasn't because of performance issues.
Neil Penderson: Oh! Jeff Sutton! Well, of course I remember you. Always drinking tea.
Jeff: Yes! Jeff Sutton, that's me.
Amy: What is this? What's happening?
Jonah: It's not good.

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