Matt Bradley Quotes     Page 6 of 6

Quote from That's a Schwartz Man

Barry: Bill gets it. He's here, and I need his autograph.
Virginia Kremp: How exactly can we help you with this?
Barry: That's for you to answer, Ginzy. Now, let's get those little noggins cranking. There are no bad ideas, but, uh, Matt Bradley, sit this one out.
Matt: That's not the punishment you think it is.


Quote from Jenkintown After Dark

Barry: Jealous JTP!
All: Jealous JTP!
Barry: Matt Bradley, are you so enraged with envy that you cannot speak?
Matt: Happy for you, Big Tasty. Just not jealous. For me, wealth is measured in experiences and...
Barry: Ha ha! Hilarious! I like you.

Quote from Uncle-ing

Barry: No pleasantries! The JTP's time is too valuable.
Matt: Not really. You called me away from a mixer with upper management.
Barry: Because it is important, Matthew. Our sister said we would be "garbage uncles" and we won't be allowed near her baby.
Adam: We have three weeks to figure out how not to suck at uncle-ing.
Andy: Why us?
Naked Rob: It seems intuitive.
Matt: For this, I basically handed the Head of Regional Sales job over to Lydia?

Quote from Uncle-ing

Matt: Maybe you guys are over thinking this.
Barry: My brain's pretty jacked, so that happens a lot. Continue.
Matt: Erica is going to be an anxious mother with a newborn. She might just want you to be responsible adults who are always there for her.
Barry: Matt Bradley, please stop punishing us with your nonsense.
Matt: Look, don't you guys have an uncle?
Adam: We do, and he's a real piece of work.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] I was talking about our Uncle Marvin. He was just as much of an unpredictable loose cannon as Uncle Buck.
Adam: [both chuckle] He's the worst.
Barry: Can't do anything right.
Naked Rob: There's your answer. Why don't you just do the opposite of what your uncle would do?
Adam: I guess that could maybe work.

Quote from Love Shack

Pop-Pop: Oh, I see what this is. This is a hit job.
Adam: We're just asking questions. Questions like... why?! And how?! And who wants to hear about "a green-skinned broad with a skirt so short you can use it as an eyepatch"?
Matt: I actually liked that part.

Quote from Bev to the Future

Barry: It has come to my attention that people think of me and Joanne as ridiculous. Can you believe that?
Andy: Um...
Naked Rob: Can we try an easier question?
Matt: I'm gonna keep staring at my shoes.

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