David Quotes     Page 3 of 3

Quote from The One with the Male Nanny

Phoebe: No, I can't. I can't do this. It's bad.
David: But it's nice. And nice is good. And good is not bad. Ergo, we should keep kissing.
Phoebe: No, no. No.
David: But ergo.


Quote from The One with the Male Nanny

Phoebe: It's not as bad as it looks. I was saying goodbye to an old friend.
Mike: Your lipstick's on his mouth.
David: Uh, we just happen to wear the same shade.

Quote from The One with the Donor

David: Well, I'm seeing someone.
Phoebe: Oh, good for you.
David: Yeah. She's also a scientist, so she's very smart and pretty and- Well, it's actually because of you that we're together. I mean, I saw what you had with that Mike guy and I just said, "Boy, I want that."
Phoebe: Mike and I broke up.
David: You're kidding me. Because I'm not seeing anybody. I just totally made that up.
Phoebe: Really?
David: Yeah. I don't know why, I'm sorry. I guess I just didn't want to lose face.
Phoebe: I understand.

Quote from The One in Barbados (Part 1)

Phoebe: What are you doing here?
Mike: I have a question I need to ask you.
David: I have a question I was kind of gonna ask her myself.
Mike: Yeah, I understand, but before you do, she really needs to hear this.
David: Okay. Would you care for my seat as well?
Mike: Actually, yeah, that'd be great.
David: Well, that's fair, you've had a long trip.

Quote from The One in Barbados (Part 1)

Mike: But, Phoebe will you marry me?
Phoebe: No.
David: Um. Ha ha.

Quote from The One with the Male Nanny

David: Can we at least hug goodbye?
Phoebe: Of course. Yeah. You know, and a kiss on the cheek wouldn't be totally inappropriate.
David: No. No. I mean-
David: In Minsk-
Phoebe: Yeah?
David: It's two on each cheek and one on the lips.
Phoebe: Well, if that's what they do in Minsk. In New York, it's- [Phoebe and David kiss passionately]

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