The Maris Crane Files     Page 4 of 5  

The Maris Crane Files

The unbelievable stories of Niles' ex-wife, the Seattle socialite Maris Crane.

Quote from Niles in Coots and Ladders

Daphne: Oh, Martin, look at you. Sitting in your chair all sour and grumpy.
Ronee: You must be drunk in this picture, Niles. You've got your arm around a floor lamp.
Niles: Oh, no, that's Maris in her Easter hat.


Quote from Niles in Oops

Niles: Oh, excuse me. [answers phone] Hello? Maris. Maris? What's wrong? Oh, pumpkin. It's all right. No, no, everything's going to be- Oh, dear. [puts phone away] Sorry, I have to go. Maris is despondent. They kicked her out of the cast of "Cats."
Daphne: Why?
Niles: She couldn't remember the words to "Memory."

Quote from Niles in Daphne's Room

Martin: What happened to that Louis the French guy birthday party?
Niles: Disaster there too! Maris reminded me that an entire branch of her family tree were slaughtered by the Huguenots.

Quote from Niles in The Fight Before Christmas

Martin: Well, I feel bad about Yoshi, but are you sure it's a good idea spending the evening with Maris?
Niles: Well, she's terribly upset. Maris and Yoshi were very close. In fact, I remember he once made a topiary likeness of her and wept without shame when it developed root rot.

Quote from Niles in To Tell the Truth

Donny: Well, why didn't you tell me that's where Maris's money came from?
Niles: It's never easy... Maris's money?
Donny: Yeah, I mean you told me that Maris's family money came from timber?
Niles: It did. It did come from timber.
Donny: Oh, that's what you really think.
Niles: Well, of course. It's true.
Donny: And that's what all of Maris's friends think, too? All those country club snobs who would kill for a good piece of dirt on someone?
Niles: Well, what are you talking about? If her family money didn't come from timber, where did it come from?
[Donny hands Niles a case file.]
Niles: Urinal cakes?

Quote from Niles in Seat of Power

Niles: [on the phone] Maris, I'm afraid I'll be delayed a few hours. Frasier and I have taken it upon ourselves to tackle a home repair. Yes, I'm working with my hands. Yes, I've worked up a bit of a sweat. I suppose I could take my shirt off.
Frasier: Niles, what are you doing?
Niles: She seems to be getting aroused at my attempt at manual labor. [on phone] Maris, I'm holding some sort of wrench.
Frasier: [taking the phone] Give me that! [on phone] Hello, Maris? Maris, Niles is busy now. No, never mind what I'm wearing.

Quote from Niles in Leapin' Lizards

Daphne: Evening, Dr. Crane. Did you bring Eddie's pills?
Niles: Yes, and the vet gave very specific instructions. "Take one tablet per hour or as needed until trembling subsides." I'm sorry, these are for Maris.

Quote from Martin in Death and the Dog

Daphne: Oh, that'll be Dr. Crane. He said he was going to bring his dog over.
Martin: Oh, not that four-legged Maris.
Frasier: Dad, please. Don't call it that in front of him. He has no idea.
Martin: How could he not? It acts like Maris. It barks like Maris. Aside from the fact that it eats now and then, they're dead ringers.

Quote from Niles in She's the Boss

Niles: Dad, please.
Martin: No! I don't believe in civilians having guns.
Niles: This isn't fair. Maris's mother gave her a gun.
Martin: Well, then Maris's mother can clean the mess up after she accidentally blows your brains out.
Niles: Dad, now you're talking nonsense. Maris's mother has never cleaned anything in her life.

Quote from Niles in My Coffee with Niles

Niles: What were you going to say?
Frasier: No, no. I'd rather not.
Niles: Well, there's no need to, I think I know what you were getting at. You've been wanting to ask me this for years. Did I marry Maris for the money? [Niles looks at Frasier. Frasier nods] I resent that! I did not marry Maris for the money. It was just a delightful bonus.
Frasier: So, you really do love her?
Niles: Of course I love her. But it's a different kind of love.
Frasier: You mean it's not human?
Niles: No. No, I mean it doesn't burn with the passion and intensity of a Tristan and Isolde. It's more comfortable, more familiar. Maris and I are old friends. We can spend an afternoon together - me at my jigsaw puzzle, she at her auto-harp - not a word spoken between us and be perfectly content.
Frasier: I'm told it was a lot like that near the end in the Hitler household.

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