Erin Quinn Quotes Page 1 of 8    

Quote from Halloween

Clare: It is sort of your fault, James. You tore the tickets up.
Erin: What the hell were you thinking?
James: I don't know. I was high on adrenaline. Anyway, what does it matter? I was never gonna win that fight. The man's the size of a wardrobe.
Erin: But you're English, James. About five of you managed to colonise half the planet, so, you know, we thought you might have something up your sleeve.
James: Well, I didn't.


Quote from The Night Before

Chief Inspector Byers: But the caretaker has informed us that a substantial amount of computer equipment seems to have vanished.
Erin: We didn't take it.
Chief Inspector Byers: What were you doing on the grounds, girls?
Erin: We went there to... We thought that we could... We were just trying to...
Orla: Break in.
Erin: We would like to speak to a solicitor, please.
Chief Inspector Byers: All in good time.
Erin: For the tape, the inspector is refusing us the right of legal representation.
Chief Inspector Byers: There is no tape.

Quote from Episode Five

Erin: Shh! Can you hear that?
Clare: Hear what?
Gerry: Come on, Emmett, out you go.
Joe: Ah-ah! You just stay where you are, son.
Erin: Ticking. It's... It's like a ticking sound!
Gerry: I'm not comfortable driving him across the border.
Joe: Fine... I'll drive him.
Erin: Oh, dear God!
Mary: We're all involved in this, Da. We'll decide what to do as a family.
Erin: Bomb! He has a bomb! [Emmett opens the car boot] Listen, Mammy! Listen!
Mary: Ach, Erin, that's just the big clock.

Quote from Episode Three

Erin: Are you sure you didn't just...
Michelle: Jesus, me too! She just smirked at me, too!
James: Why isn't she smirking at me?
Erin: She isn't smirking at anyone, James.
Orla: I just saw it, too! The holy smirk, thanks be to God!
Erin: You're imagining it.
Michelle: Three of us saw it, Erin, how do you explain that?
Erin: Sleep deprivation, Pernod, delusional personality disorder.

Quote from Across the Barricade

Father Peter: I want you guys to give me examples of things that Catholics and Protestants have in common and things that they don't have in common. Let's start with similarities. Erin, why don't you get the ball rolling?
Erin: OK. So, we both... Right. So, we all... God, this is actually quite hard.
Father Peter: Anything at all, a small thing even.
Erin: OK, so... Right. God, I'm, actually, drawing a blank here, to be honest.
Father Peter: Not to worry, someone else? A similarity? Yes.
Philip: Protestants are British and Catholics are Irish. [Clare smiles]
Father Peter: So that's actually a difference. Quite a... Quite a big difference. [Clare's smile drops] But that's OK, we can write that down.

Quote from Episode Five

Gerry: OK, look, I've yet to hear anybody say anything to convince me that bringing that lad across the border with us is a good idea.
Erin: Shit, he's coming!
Emmett: I really didn't want to have to do this... [reaches inside his jacket]
Erin: Jesus Christ! Get down! Everybody get down!
Emmett: Is there something wrong with her? [lights a cigarette]
Mary: Stop that, Erin.

Quote from Episode Three

Erin: It's abuse. That's what it is, it's abuse. Does anybody have 10p? I'm ringin' ChildLine.
Michelle: You can't ring ChildLine every time your ma threatens to kill you, Erin.
Clare: Yeah, you can't waste Esther's time like that.

Quote from Episode One

Sister Michael: The hospital are saying it was heart failure, but I have my doubts. As I said on the phone, the circumstances in which I found her body were... strange, to say the least. So I've decided to carry out a full investigation into the incident.
Mary: That makes sense.
Erin: What? Nothing about this makes sense. The woman was almost 98 years of age. She had a heart attack. Why has everybody gone absolutely mental?
Gerry: Less of the cheek, Erin.
Erin: We didn't do anything. It's not fair.
Orla: [v.o.] "But the thing is, life isn't fair. You see, injustice is something I've become accustomed to. I am, after all, a child of the crossfire, surrounded by conflict. But I choose to rise above it. The path to peace is paved with tolerance and understanding. Violence is never the answer."
Erin: I am going to ram that so far up your arse!

Quote from Episode One

Orla: [v.o.] "My name is Erin Quinn. I'm 16 years old, and I come from a place called Derry, or Londonderry, depending on your persuasion, a troubled little corner in the Northwest of Ireland. It's fair to say I have a somewhat complicated relationship with my home town. You see, the thing about living in Derry is, there's nowhere to hide. Everybody knows everybody, knows everything about everybody, and sometimes all I really want... is to be simply left alone."
Erin: Is that my diary?

Quote from The Night Before

Clare: Well, why can't we speak to a solicitor?!
Chief Inspector Byers: I didn't say you couldn't.
Erin: Oh, you're trying to stitch us up, aren't you?
Chief Inspector Byers: Why would I do that?
Michelle: Because we're Fenians.
Chief Inspector Byers: That is a very serious allegation, girls.
Erin: Are you denying that your organisation is prejudiced, Inspector? For the tape, the inspector is refusing to answer.
Chief Inspector Byers: There is no tape!

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