Nina Campbell Quotes     Page 3 of 8    

Quote from Post-Nasal Dick

Dick: Good morning, Nina. You'll be glad to know I'm feeling much better.
Nina: [congested] I am so happy for you. I'm going home.
Dick: Why?
Nina: Because I'm sick, that's why.
Dick: Really? What a coincidence. You're getting sick just as I'm getting better.
[Nina picks up Dick's telephone receiver and coughs on it]
Nina: Have a nice day.


Quote from Dick is from Mars, Sally is from Venus

Dick: Can't you just take her out tonight and talk to her? You don't have to go alone. I'm sure Nina would be happy to join you.
Nina: Ooh, I'm sorry, tonight's the night I'm having my eyes gouged out.
Dick: Can't you reschedule it?

Quote from Lonely Dick

Nina: And if you think that I won't cause a scene just because we're in a fancy restaurant, you had better think again because I'm going to tell you exactly what I think of your sorry ass and the loser school that owns it because I, Nina Campbell, am quitting! [sobs] I work damn hard for you!
Dick: Nina, sit down. I'm not firing you.
Nina: You're not?
Dick: No.
Nina: Oh. Okay. [clears throat] [clicks fingers to the waiter] Um, I'd like to change my order. Bring me the rack of lamb and a beefeater martini, straight up with an olive.
Dick: But about Dr. Albright's number-
Nina: Don't press your luck.

Quote from Frozen Dick

Dick: I guess she's just saving up her excitement for the crap fest.
Nina: You just don't get it, do you?
Dick: What do you mean?
Nina: There are people who have stress and people who give stress, and you are a giver.

Quote from Just Your Average Dick

Nina: It's just that you're acting kinda strange.
Dick: Me, strange? I'm textbook normal. If anyone is strange, it's you. [Nina scoffs] You exercise too much, you drive a stick shift, you drink root beer. Oh, and you're Black.
Nina: What's strange about being Black?
Dick: Let's face it, Nina, most White people aren't.
Nina: But they want to be.

Quote from Power Mad Dick

Dick: Nina, what are you doing?
Nina: I'm working for you again. And if you think you weren't satisfied with my work before, just wait till you see all the typos and lost messages you've got comin' your way!

Quote from Near Dick Experience

Judith: All right. We'll head to the mountain at 8 a.m. sharp. Any questions?
Dick: Uh, yes. As we climb, will you point out any crevasses that I might plummet into?
Nina: I will!

Quote from The Loud Solomon Family: A Dickumentary

Dick: Why do these people insist on putting their biographies in the paper? Like they're so great. "Beloved" this and "devoted" that.
Nina: Dr. Solomon, those are the obituaries.
Dick: Well, I want one about me.
Nina: Hopefully soon.

Quote from Brains and Eggs

Nina: I have to file some things for you.
Dick: [sniffs] What is that? It's you! You smell so nice.
Nina: Thanks. I try. [Dick plants his face in Nina's back] That had better be your nose. Is your wife out of town?
Dick: Mrs. Solomon is no longer with us. She, uh, burned up on reentry.
Nina: I had a boyfriend who used to burn up on reentry. He walks with a limp now.

Quote from Lonely Dick

Nina: Good morning, Dr. Solomon. Isn't it a beautiful day?
Dick: You're in a cheerful mood, Nina. Do you forget that Dr. Albright is gone?
Nina: Nope.
Dick: Nina, do you have the number where Dr. Albright is staying?
Nina: Yep.
Dick: Good. Could you get her on the phone for me, please?
Nina: She said no calls.
Dick: Nina, you work for me, too. When I ask you to do something, you are to do it immediately, no questions asked!
Nina: [laughs] Whoo!

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