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The Scrunchie Rule

‘The Scrunchie Rule’

Season 5, Episode 16 -  Aired March 21, 2018

When Erica falls out with her college roommate, she calls in help from Jenkintown. With the kids out of the house, Beverly focuses her motherly love on an injured Coach Mellor.

Quote from Coach Mellor

Beverly: Boys, stop. I see what's happening here. Coach Rick has a hurt neck, but Coach Nick's heart is in a lot more pain.
Coach Nick: Whatever. Doesn't matter.
Beverly: No, in this house, our feelings matter.
Murray: I feel they both should go.
Beverly: Shh. Talk to your little brother, Coach Nick. Use your words.
Coach Nick: When you didn't ask for my help, it made me sad. 'Cause, you know, my love for you is big as my pecs.
Coach Mellor: That's, like, the biggest love a man can have.


Quote from Beverly

Murray: You do realize that you're replacing our children with grown men?
Beverly: Stop. They're simply sleeping in their rooms, wearing their clothes, and playing with their toys. Now, if ya don't mind, I need to get some prunes into our son's gym coach.

Quote from Beverly

Coach Mellor: Mama G! Good news, my tummy's feeling way better. I made real good.
Beverly: [chuckling] That is fantastic! Oh, my God, what have I done?
Coach Nick: Can you guys pipe down a bit? I'm working on my music.
Beverly: What have I done?

Quote from Barry

Andy: Uh, Bar? We just drove three hours. You said there was a sick college rager going on.
Barry: Did I say "rager"? Pretty sure I said "angry standoff in a dorm room."
Naked Rob: Dude, I missed my nana's birthday for this.
Matt: Yeah, man. This is the worst thing you and Geoff have ever done.
Geoff: What?!
Barry: I told him it was your idea. You get it. [to Lainey] Also seems like a good time to say I still have feelings for you.
Lainey: It may be the worst time.
Barry: Okay, Lainey's not on board.

Quote from Murray

Beverly: So much for the Bevolution. It's the first weekend ever without our kids, and I completely lost my mind.
Murray: Well, we still have a few more years to ease into it.
Beverly: And what am I gonna do when they all leave for good?
Murray: Honestly, it's gonna be awful for the both of us.
Beverly: Please. For the last four years all you've talked about is how you want them all to leave so you can have some peace and quiet.
Murray: Bevie, you know I hate change but it's easier for me to say, "I want them out" than to admit I love our crazy, loud family.
Beverly: You're gonna miss 'em, huh? Really helps to know I'm not alone.

Quote from Erica

Erica: Look, college has been way harder than I thought, but you've been the only thing that's made it easier.
Other Erica: I'm sorry I ate your Shark Bites.
Erica: I'm sorry I stole your ice tray.
Other Erica: I'm sorry I played the trumpet in your face.
Erica: I'm sorry that I lured half my high school up here.
Other Erica: I'm sorry I made up Hector.
Erica: What?!
Other Erica: He's so not real. I just, like, needed you to go away.
Erica: That is brilliant and totally something I would do!

Quote from Barry

Lainey: I got to admit, that six-hour bus ride was almost worth it.
Erica: I'm so sorry, Lainey.
Lainey: It's okay. It was so good to see you. And Barry, too, kinda.
Barry: I heard that! She said it was kinda okay to see me. This is kinda the greatest night of my life!

Quote from Coach Mellor

Coach Mellor: Well, aren't you a tall glass of Gatorade? Go get 'em, Ricky!

Quote from Adam

Coach Mellor: After a great deal of legal wrangling, I am excited introduce a new unit: full-contact Red Rover.
All: Oh!
Beverly: Ugh! Did I hear somebody say "full-contact"?
Adult Adam: [v.o.] But like clockwork, my smother would always save me from the dangers of physical movement.
Beverly: I forced Principal Ball to give me an advanced copy of all your units, and my baby is not doing anything full contact.
Adam: It's all very embarrassing, but so worth it.

Quote from Coach Mellor

Coach Mellor: Goldfarb, kick us off.
Adam: Sorry, Coach. My old lady likes to keep all this on safe ground. She'll be here in three, two, one Mama!
Coach Mellor: Face it, Goldfarb, she's a no-show. Time to let the rope get to know every part of you.
Adam: Thing is, my mom's doing this whole Bevolution to reinvent herself and kind of dropped the ball on her schmoopie.
Coach Mellor: [whistle blows] Move!

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