Best ‘That '70s Show’ Quotes     Page 6 of 25    

Quote from Eric in That '70s Finale

Hyde: Guys, I think it's time we honor all the brain cells that survived the '70s. Despite our best efforts, some of those bastards pulled through. Tonight, they're going down.
Fez: Die, brain cells, die! And you're next, liver.
Hyde: Hey, did you guys hear about that car that runs on water? It's got a fiberglass air-cooled engine and it runs on water, man!
Kelso: It's like we never run out of things to talk about down here.
[Jackie and Donna stand behind Kelso]
Jackie: I knew you burnouts would be down here.
Donna: You guys, it's almost midnight. Mrs. Forman is pouring the champagne. [circle ends]
Eric: Hey, guys, last one up the stairs has to call Red a dumbass.
[As everyone runs up stairs, Hyde grabs Kelso and knocks him to the floor before running up the stairs]
Kelso: Oh, man.
All: [o.s.] Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one!
[The That '70s Show license plate shows with the validation sticker changed to 80]


Quote from Fez in Love of My Life

Hyde: So you grew up with Fez, huh? You know, we've been wondering something for a long time. Where the hell are you guys from?
Fez: Um, isn't it obvious?
Donna: Okay, just tell us what's the name of your country?
Andrew Davis: Well, that depends on whether you ask the British or the Dutch.
Hyde: Okay, so what if we ask the British?
Andrew Davis: Oh, no, no, no, no! They wouldn't tell you. They hate us.
Hyde: So, what if we ask the Dutch?
Fez: Oh, who can understand a word they say?

Quote from Hyde in Son and Daughter

Hyde: I'm screwed, man! WB is in the music industry. They can kill anyone and make it look like an accident. They did it to Mama Cass. They did it to Hendrix. They even took out Buddy Holly to get to the Big Bopper!

Quote from Kitty in Till the Next Goodbye

Kitty: I'm shocked. The basement door closes and out come the lighters and the drugs. And I am sure Donna's down there bouncing around without a bra. It's like Amsterdam down there.

Quote from Bob in Till the Next Goodbye

Bob: So did you get your shots yet?
Eric: Wait. What shots?
Bob: The vaccines to protect you against exotic diseases. I had to get them when I was in the military.
Red: You were in the National Guard. What exotic diseases were you afraid you'd catch, scaredy-cat-eating-pie-in-a-Jacuzzi fever?
Bob: Hey, I'm proud of my service. Somebody had to stay home and hose down those hippies.

Quote from Donna in Short and Curlies

Eric: Wow, so, it's like, I can do anything I want? Can I touch your buns?
Donna: What? You wanna touch my butt?
Eric: No, not those buns. You know, the buns.
Donna: Eric, that seems kind of weird.
Eric: Yeah. You know what? That is, like, a little weird. Maybe I'll just rub my face up against one of them?
Donna: Okay.
Eric: [rubs face against Donna's hair] Leia. Oh, Leia.
Bob: [o.s.] Donna, meet me downstairs for fried shrimp in T-minus 20 seconds. Wear an old shirt. These things are greasy.
Donna: Wow, that's almost enough to take you right out of the moment, huh?
Eric: Okay, Donna. From now on, the only thing I'd like you to say is, "Use the force, Eric."
Donna: Okay, that seems kind of...
Eric: Donna.
Donna: Use the force, Eric.

Quote from Donna in 2120 So. Michigan Ave

Eric: Man, it's like I finally figured out what I wanna do with my life, and now I might never be able to do it. And, might I add, through no fault of my own.
Donna: Eric, the last time you used the phrase "through no fault of my own" was when you said, "Donna, your cat's dead through no fault of my own." Which I later found out meant, "Donna, I ran over your cat."

Quote from Fez in Who's Been Sleeping Here?

Hyde: Fez, man, why were you staying at the record store?
Fez: Well, last week my Bible-thumping host parents found out that I already graduated, so they kicked me out and took all my money as back rent. And then they gave me a Bible.
Angie: Well, I wish you'd been reading that instead of the porno magazines I found in my office.
Fez: You know, Angie, some things you could keep to yourself.
Hyde: I don't understand why you didn't just ask us for help. I mean, we're your friends.
Fez: It was my damn Latin pride.
Red: So you're Latin.
Fez: No, just my pride is. And I also have a Swiss sense of frugality.

Quote from Fez in Oh, Baby (We Got a Good Thing Goin')

Fez: What's this?
Kelso: That's breast milk. Don't touch it.
Fez: Breast milk? From real breasts? What don't they do?

Quote from Fez in Down the Road Apiece

Fez: Okay, enough pussyfooting around, which, by the way, does not mean what I thought it meant. Why don't you just get back together? You know you want to. I don't even know why you broke up in the first place.
Jackie: Because he's an incredibly immature jerk who can't commit to a future with me.
Hyde: What she said, but I agree with me.
Fez: Nice rebuttal, which, by the way, also does not mean what I thought it meant.

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