Mark Brendanawicz Quotes     Page 5 of 5

Quote from Summer Catalog

Tom: Come on, Ann. It'd be a huge favor for Leslie. You know how important this is to her.
Mark: Well, I am in.
Ann: Dude.
Mark: I am. We don't have any pictures of just the two of us. Plus, I've always said we should go on more dates with Tom.
Ann: Yeah, you have, and thank god an opportunity presented itself.
Mark: See, win-win.


Quote from Telethon

Mark: Have you ever seen this man sleep? It's like underwater ballet.

Quote from The Master Plan

Andy: Hey, this is my dear friend Mark Brendanawicz.
Shauna Malwae-Tweep: Oh, we actually have met.
Andy: Oh. The pfft. Yeah. You guys totally slept together.
Shauna Malwae-Tweep: I'll take that drink.
Mark: So you're with Andy now? No, it makes sense.
[aside to camera:]
Mark: It's been a great week.

Quote from Freddy Spaghetti

Mark: Well, I have something for you too.
Leslie Knope: You do?
Mark: I, um... Sort of threw together some plans for a future park. I couldn't fit everything in that you wanted, like the roller coaster or the shark tank, but I think it's a pretty good start.
Leslie Knope: Thank you.
Mark: You're really welcome.
Leslie Knope: But, you know, Pawnee's bankrupt. I doubt I'll get to build a park anytime soon.
Mark: I wouldn't bet against you. [Mark kisses Leslie on the cheek] See you around.

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