Natalie Teeger Quotes     Page 3 of 14    

Quote from Mr. Monk and the Daredevil

Captain Stottlemeyer: I've never actually seen him sleep before.
Natalie: Sometimes I wonder what he dreams about.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Cleaning supplies.
Natalie: No, I think he dreams about a perfect world with no surprises, no emotion. Everything is clean and neat and in groups of ten.
Captain Stottlemeyer: For anybody else, that would be a nightmare.
Natalie: Yeah. Oh, he's smiling.
Captain Stottlemeyer: I'm glad he's happy somewhere.
Natalie: He's probably talking to Trudy.


Quote from Mr. Monk Joins a Cult

Brother Ted: It's tough, isn't it? Without loved ones nearby, you must feel so disconnected.
Adrian Monk: It's really funny. We were just talking about that. About how she feels disconnected, remember?
Natalie: Exactly.
Brother Ted: Would you like to fill out a questionnaire? We could do it here, or you could come with us. We have our own ranch up the coast. I think you'd really enjoy it.
Natalie: Oh, my gosh. Your own ranch? I've never been to a real ranch.
Sister Sally: [notices badge on Natalie's purse] "World's Greatest mom." You said you didn't have any family.
Natalie: Well, except for my daughter, but, we never talk anymore. It's- I- I haven't seen her. It- It's sad. [Natalie's cell phone rings] Excuse me. [answers phone] Hello. Yeah, now's not a good time. Well, how long has Sarah had a license? No, absolutely not. I will talk to you later. Thank you. [hangs up] Sorry, business call.
Brother Ted: Thank you very much. Have a beautiful day.

Quote from Mr. Monk Is On The Run (Part One)

Natalie: [drinks "smoothie"] Mmm. Mmm. Yeah, that's just what I needed.
Lieutenant Disher: Is that oil?
Natalie: That is oil. It's- It's from the ground, so it's organic. And it just lubricates your organs. So it's, it's good. I just- Just need to wash up. I'll be right back. You can have it.

Quote from Mr. Monk Gets Lotto Fever

Natalie: Good evening people. Welcome to the Big Gold Rush Pick 6. I'm Natalie Teeger. Are you ready to play? Then let's play the lottery. And the first number is...
Sound Guy: Turn it on! Turn it on!
Natalie: Oh, my God! And the first number is... 25. My mother's birthday. The next number... 52. 52 cards in a deck. The next number is... 7. The seven dwarves.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Seven dwarves.
Natalie: 32. 32... teeth. And... 10. My boss's absolute favorite number.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Aw, crap.
Natalie: Apparently not everybody's favorite. And the final number is 17. My daughter's age. Hi, Julie! Once again, the Gold Rush numbers are and 25, 52, 7, 32, 10, 17, so that's it for now. Keep playing Lotto. You'll thank me later.
Adrian Monk: You'll thank me later. That's my line. I say that.
Lieutenant Disher: Hurts doesn't it?

Quote from Mr. Monk's 100th Case

Natalie: Sometimes he sees too much. He gets distracted.
James Novak: And that's where you come in?
Natalie: Right, keeping him focused. That's one of my jobs.
James Novak: What else do you do for him?
Natalie: What else do I do? Um, how long is your show?

Quote from Mr. Monk and the Magician

Adrian Monk: Oh, God, Natalie, I have to tell you something. I mean, I have to tell someone. I feel terrible.
Natalie: What is it?
Adrian Monk: He drove me insane.
Natalie: Oh, Mr. Monk.
Adrian Monk: No, he wouldn't shut up! The man would not shut up! One time, he had a sore throat. He talked for 2 1/2 hours about how much it hurt him to talk. [Natalie laughs] Honest, God forgive me, sometimes I'd hear him coming down the stairs. I'd turn off all the lights, pretend I wasn't home.
Natalie: It's okay. Don't feel bad. Everybody does that! Sometimes, late at night, when you call me and I see your name on the caller ID, I just... Just don't feel bad.

Quote from Mr. Monk's Favorite Show

Adrian Monk: This is unbelievable. Of course someone's trying to kill her. Anyone she's ever met has a motive. Anyone who's ever read this has a motive. There's a page missing, page 73.
Natalie: Maybe it fell out.
Adrian Monk: Pages just don't fall out.
Natalie: Mr. Monk, it fell out.
Adrian Monk: It was torn out.
Natalie: It fell out. Stop it, stop it, stop it. No! No, Mr. Monk, you don't want to see page 73.
Adrian Monk: What? It can't be any worse than the rest of it.
Natalie: You wanna bet?
Adrian Monk: I have to know.
Natalie: No, Mr. Monk, please. Mr. Monk, please.
Adrian Monk: It's my book. Let me see it. Let me see it. [Natalie eats the page] What are you doing?
Natalie: It's for your own good.

Quote from Mr. Monk Takes the Stand

Natalie: Mr. Monk, there's a case, a very important case. Nobody else can handle it.
Adrian Monk: I know what you're trying to do, Natalie, but it won't work. My mind's made up.
Lieutenant Disher: She's not asking Monk. I am. It's Rudy, my little buddy. You remember the kid from the courthouse? The D.A just announced that they want to try him as an adult. The kid's looking at 25 years.
Adrian Monk: It's very important to you, isn't it? Then you don't want me anywhere near it. You know what happened. That last case came crashing down around me.
Natalie: Mr. Monk, we want to show you the crime scene. Come with us. It'll take 20 minutes. Maybe you'll see something. You can't say no. Well, you can, but you can't.
Adrian Monk: I can, but I can't? I don't understand.
Natalie: You don't, but you do.

Quote from Mr. Monk and the End (Part One)

Natalie: This is for Mr. Monk. This is for me. For Mr. Monk. This is for me. Mr. Monk. Me. Mr. Monk.
Lt. Steven Albright: Sorry, I don't get it, why two separate carts? Why don't we just separate them when we get home?
Natalie: Yeah, I stopped asking those questions a long time ago.

Quote from Mr. Monk and the Birds and the Bees

Tim: Julie's t-shirt?
Natalie: That's what this whole thing has been about.
Tim: Her t-shirt? I don't understand.
Natalie: Tim, I've been waiting a long time to say this. Here's what happened. We know Dewey Jordan has been here. Mr. Monk noticed some game coupons in his apartment. Rob Sherman and Dewey Jordan met a couple weeks ago at the courthouse. Sherman probably told Dewey he was pulling some kind of insurance scam, but they had to meet again some place to work out the details. They met here at the pier. It was perfect; noisy, a big crowd, nobody would notice them.
Tim: But I don't understand, what does all this have to do with Julie?
Natalie: It was the same day you and Julie were here getting your picture taken.
Tim: Our picture?
Natalie: Exactly. The photographer had you pose right over there. But there were other people standing behind you. That's where Mr. Monk had seen them together. On Julie's t-shirt. They were in the background the whole time.
Tim: That would make sense. That's why he was acting so weird that day we met him.
Natalie: When Mr. Sherman saw that t-shirt, he knew he was in trouble. He saw Julie hanging out with Mr. Monk, the Captain, and Randy. It was only a matter of time before somebody noticed it.
Tim: I know, but why didn't he just try to steal it?
Natalie: Much too risky. Remember, he didn't have to destroy the shirt. He just wanted Julie to stop wearing it. So he had his girlfriend contact Clay. She pretended to be Julie's Aunt.
Tim: I get it. Julie breaks up with me and she never wears the shirt again.
Natalie: She's right, you are pretty smart. That's why we're here. The Captain's getting a search warrant. The photo booth keeps backup copies of all the pictures.
Tim: Uh, copy? Why- Why do you need a copy? Where's the t-shirt?
Natalie: Julie burned it.
Tim: She what?
Natalie: Sorry.

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