Erin Quinn Quotes     Page 4 of 8    

Quote from Episode Five

Erin: Do you remember the whole "us being in grave danger" thing Sarah mentioned? Well, I think... I think this might be it!
Michelle: I thought you said fortune telling was medieval.
Erin: Yeah, well, something has made me reassess all that. What was it again? Oh, aye... The fact that there's an actual Provo in the boot of our car!


Quote from The Prom

Erin: Oh, God. John Paul's over there. Christ, but it's been so awkward since we broke up.
Michelle: For fuck sake, Erin. He kissed you on the cheek at Kerry Coyle's 16th birthday party and then passed out in a puddle of his own boke.
Erin: Yeah. He missed the boat, all right.
Michelle: I'm sure the fact that he's poking a model is some consolation.
Erin: OK. Cara is not a model. She's done some modelling. There's a difference.
Orla: I heard she's gonna be on Baywatch.
Erin: She's not going to be on Baywatch, Orla.
Clare: I heard that, too.
Michelle: So did I.
Erin: They don't have people from Derry on Baywatch, OK? We're just too pasty.

Quote from Episode Four

Erin: I won't let you. I won't let you do it.
James: You can't stop me!
Erin: Fine. In that case, I'll just come and watch.
James: What?
Erin: You heard me, James. If you insist on going through with this, well, I'm-I'm going to make sure you don't enjoy it.

Quote from Ms De Brún and the Child of Prague

Erin: Ok. So, I'm trying not to think too much. Just to sort of let it flow through me.
Michelle: Uh, that's minging, Erin.
Erin: Here's what I have so far. "You know we belong together You and I forever and ever No matter where you are You're my guiding star."
James: Isn't that the theme tune to Home and Away?
Erin: Is it? Aw, for god's sake!

Quote from The Concert

Erin: Have you ever actually met them, Rita? Take That?
Rita: No, I can't stand them, if I'm being honest, but their fans are so thick they'll buy any old shite. Present company included.
Erin: I think you mean excluded.
Rita: Naw. Naw, I don't.
Erin: I see.

Quote from Episode Six

Student #1: What's wrong with her, like?
Student #2: She's such a dick.
Erin: Yeah, she might be a dick. [stands up] But she's my dick.
Clare: Actually, she's our dick.
[Erin and Clare give each other a nod and head for the aisle]
Michelle: Oh, for fuck's sake.
[Michelle and James stand up and follow Erin and Clare to the stage.] [As the group dance on stage, back home the adults watch a live news report about a bombing.]

Quote from Ms De Brún and the Child of Prague

Erin: How could you have glued his head on upside down, Orla? He's wearing a hat, for Christ's sake!

Quote from The Concert

Erin: This is rank.
Clare: Why are we doing it?
Erin: Because Rita told us to and I'm scared of her, Clare! I'm very, very scared of her! Why's it so heavy? Aren't they meant to be 90% wool?

Quote from The Night Before

Chief Inspector Byers: OK, before this goes any further, you're minors, we need to get a parent or a guardian down here, ASAP. Who would you like us to call?
Michelle: Can you just give us a minute?
Clare: We can't call my ma!
Erin: Well, we're not calling mine!
Michelle: Mine neither!
Erin: Do not look at Orla, her ma is just an extension of my ma!
James: What about someone's dad?
Erin: Oh, Das can't be trusted!
Michelle: Das are in the pockets of mas.
Erin: It's true. Das are just Ma enablers.

Quote from Episode Two

Erin: Oh, God. Don't tell me Charlene Kavanagh is going. She is dying about herself. "Oh, I'm so good-looking, oh, I'm so popular... " If there ever was a more shallow, self absorbed, generally unpleasant human being...
Charlene: Hi, Erin.
Erin: Hi. Good. Grand. Not too bad. Can't complain. Is the answer I'd have given if you'd asked how I was.
Charlene: Right. Are you signing up for Paris? I can't convince that lot to come. Looks like I'm going to need someone to hang out with.
Erin: It would be an honour.
Charlene: OK. Well, I'll see you later then.
Erin: You will, Charlene. Indeed you will! Did you hear that? The Charlene Kavanagh wants to hang around with little old me.
Clare: Do you know what I admire most about you, Erin? Your unshakeable principles!

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