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Join Together

‘Join Together’

Season 6, Episode 2 - Aired November 5, 2003

Eric and Donna are sad that they're going to be apart when she leaves for college, which keeps leading to going away sex. Kitty pushes Red to follow the doctor's orders, even if it means giving up alcohol herself. Meanwhile, Kelso tries to play matchmaker and get Jackie and Hyde back together.

Quote from Eric

Eric: Hey, Mom, Dad, I have something I wanna tell you. I've decided not to move away.
Red: What?
Eric: Yeah, I'm gonna stay and put off college for just a little while, or at least until you're well enough to go back to work.
Kitty: My baby, my baby, my baby. [hugs Eric]
Eric: Okay, Mom, this is actually kind of embarrassing. You're actually really hurting me, yeah.
Red: You mean I've been waiting 18 years for you to get your butt out of this house, and now you're staying?
Eric: Look, Mom, I signed over my paycheck to you. I, uh... I want you to go buy yourself something pretty. Or, I don't know, electricity.
Kitty: Oh, honey, thank you. Red, it wouldn't kill you to thank him.
Red: It might. I just had a heart attack.


Quote from Donna

Donna: God, it's gonna be so hard going off to college without you. But we'll see each other on the weekends, right?
Eric: Well, you say that now, but then there's that weekend where you call home and say you have to study, but I hear Moose, the place-kicker, in the background, asking if you want another shot of tequila, so...
Donna: Eric, that would never happen. I would never date a place-kicker. It's quarterback or nothing for me.

Quote from Eric

Eric: So it turns out that going-away sex is even hotter than make-up sex. It's like these chips. They say, "Now even crunchier," and you're thinking, "Oh, man, there is no way." But then you take a bite... and it is crunchier.
Kelso: Dude, if something's crunchy, you should really have that looked at.
Eric: There's no time, my friend, I have a distraught neighbor girl to attend to. Dry your eyes, baby, the loving's on its way!

Quote from Jackie

Fez: [gasps] Toe ring.
Jackie: Oh, Fez, you like? Yeah, got a toe ring.
Fez: On the little piggy that went to the market. Steven, what do you think?
Hyde: [inner monologue] Can't resist toe ring. [out loud] Whatever.
Jackie: Well, you know, I have all sorts of things now that I didn't have when we were going out. Toe ring, tan lines, a tattoo.
Hyde: You don't have a tattoo, you're bluffing. Do you have a tattoo?
Jackie: Well, we're not going out, so I guess you'll never know. Ugh, this bra is so uncomfortable. You know, I think I'm gonna stop wearing them altogether. See you.

Quote from Kitty

Kitty: Okay. The doctor wins. Eric and I boxed up all the liquor.
Eric: Man, look at all this. It's like Dean Martin exploded. There were bottles in the liquor cabinet, the dining room hutch, my mom's nightstand.
Kitty: Oh, no, no. That's for polishing furniture.
Eric: Mom, there's lipstick on it.

Quote from Jackie

Jackie: Hey, Steven, check out my new super-sexy tattoo. Hard to keep your hands off, huh?
[Hyde dips his napkin in his glass of water and wipes Jackie's tattoo off]
Jackie: Steven!
Hyde: Sorry. Here's your tattoo back.
Fez: I'll take that.
Jackie: Steven, why are you being so difficult?
Hyde: Jackie, no amount of tattoos or toe rings are gonna fix the fact that you have a lot to apologize for.
Jackie: You're the one who should apologize.
Hyde: Well, then I guess we're not getting back together.
Jackie: I guess we're not. Oh, and by the way, you don't deserve a real tattoo. But if I were to get one, I'd show it to Fez before I'd ever show it to you.
Fez: I hope she gets it on her heinie.

Quote from Eric

Kelso: But, Jackie, it really bugs me that you and Hyde aren't back together. So, as the man who used to pleasure you endlessly, I feel it is my obligation to step in and fix this. 'Cause when I'm a cop, I'm gonna have to deal with domestic cases like this all the time.
Donna: And the good news is he'll have guns.
Kelso: Yeah, this is gonna be a piece of cake. You know, they should have put me in charge of Vietnam. I would have had those people making out in a week. [exits]
Eric: Wow. Donna, that might be the last time that you'll ever get to see Kelso make an even bigger mess of a problem.
Donna: Yeah. I'm gonna miss that. And I'm gonna miss you.
Jackie: Well, I'm not gonna miss you two slobbering all over each other like fat girls in a house with free meat. [exits]
Eric: And that might be the last time that Jackie ever makes fun of us, fat girls and meat.
Donna: Yeah. [kisses Eric]

Quote from Kelso

Jackie: All right, look, Michael, Steven's the one who messed up the relationship. He thought you and I were together, but he was just wrong. He fabricated the whole mess.
Kelso: Well, somebody ought to make that clear.
[cut to:]
Kelso: Jackie wants you to know that there was a mess 'cause she was wearing the wrong fabric.
Hyde: That can't be what she said.
Kelso: It's word for word, man.
Hyde: Kelso, would you get out of here?
Kelso: What? I'm helping.
Hyde: You're making me wanna kick your ass!
Kelso: That better be the rash talking.

Quote from Red

Eric: Hey.
Red: Oh, hey, listen, son. You know, it means a lot to your mother, you staying here and helping out the family. [clears throat] And, as for me, I... [clears throat] Well... There. Doctor said I should write down my feelings.
Eric: Are you actually thanking me? [opens note] This is a list of yard work.
Red: Yeah, the lawn thanks you for all that mowing you're gonna do.
Eric: You're welcome, Dad.
Red: Yeah, well... [Eric goes to hug Red] All right, we're both men here.

Quote from Eric

Eric: Oh, God.
Donna: What's wrong?
Eric: Nothing. It's just, this could be the last time... that you and I watch Gilligan get hit on the head by the Skipper.
Donna: Eric, the more we talk about me going away, the sadder you get. And being with you so much lately has been great, but afterwards... Well, you always used to look a little bit ashamed. And, I mean, now you just seem depressed.
Eric: No, no, no. I'm not depressed, Donna, you are depressed. [clears table] Okay, let's do this.
Donna: Okay, hold on. All this "last time" stuff, have you been saying that just for sex?
Eric: What? Have I... What? "This is not the one you're angry with."
Donna: You're disgusting. [exits and returns] Eric, that might be the last time we fight over you trying to get me to have sex with you!
Eric: I know!

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