The Songs of Phoebe Buffay     Page 4 of 5  

The Songs of Phoebe Buffay

The unique musical talents of Phoebe Buffay, who often performed her songs at Central Perk.

Quote from Phoebe in The One Where Dr. Ramoray Dies

Phoebe: [playing guitar and singing] And a crusty old man, Said I'll do what I can, And the rest of the rats, Played maracas.


Quote from Phoebe in The One with Joey's New Girlfriend

Phoebe: [singing] My sticky shoes, My sticky, sticky shoes, Why you stick on me? Baby.
Thanks for the lights, honey.

Quote from Phoebe in The One with the Baby on the Bus

Phoebe: [playing guitar and singing] When I play, I play for me, I don't need your charity- Thank you!

Quote from Phoebe in The One Where Chandler Crosses the Line

Phoebe: [playing guitar and singing] Little Tony Tarzan Swinging on a nose hair, Swinging with the greatest of ease.

Quote from Phoebe in The One with Rachel's New Dress

Chandler: Wow, it is true what they say: Pregnant bellies look like a drum.
Phoebe: Ha ha. No, it's that- I'm so pregnant that my guitar doesn't fit anymore. So I thought until I'm not, I'm going to play all my songs on this drum. It sounds really cool. Listen, listen.
[playing the drum] Smelly cat, smelly cat, What are they feeding you?
That sounds great. I know. And I've only been playing for, like, an hour.

Quote from Phoebe in The One with the Chicken Pox

Rachel: You went out with a guy in the Navy?
Phoebe: I met him while playing guitar in the park. Ryan threw in saltwater taffy because he didn't have change.
Joey: Is that when you wrote "Saltwater Taffy Man"?
Phoebe: No.

Quote from Phoebe in The One with Joey's New Girlfriend

Phoebe: [playing guitar and singing] Parading goats are parading, Parading down the street, Parading goats are parading, Leaving little treats.

Quote from Phoebe in The One with the Baby on the Bus

Phoebe: [playing guitar and singing] He was a double, double, Double-jointed boy.

Quote from Phoebe in The One With Ross's Inappropriate Song

Mike: Phoebe writes lots of songs. What was that one you sang the other night that everybody just loved?
Phoebe: Oh, "Pervert Parade"?
Mike: No.
Phoebe: Oh. "Ode to a Pubic Hair"?
Mike: Stop.

Quote from Phoebe in The One with Rachel's Dream

Phoebe: It really has been great, too. You know, some of these people must have seen me play before because they were requesting a bunch of my songs. Yeah, "You Suck" and "Shut Up and Go Home."

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