Best ‘Modern Family’ Quotes     Page 24 of 25  

Quote from Phil in Fulgencio

Phil: Hey, kids. How was your day?
[aside to camera:]
Phil: I knew the answer to that question. I'd had kind of a busy day going around solving everyone's problems. I started by going to see my buddy Stavros the florist. That's when I realized my kids didn't understand the concept of killing with kindness because they'd never seen it. So I decided I'd prove it to them by going on a huggacidal rampage.


Quote from Sonia in Fulgencio

Sonia: [holding laundry basket] Where is the river?

Quote from Phil in Schooled

Phil: [aside to camera] "Dance until your feet hurt. Sing until your lungs hurt. Act until you're William Hurt."

Quote from Gloria in Send Out the Clowns

Jay: Kids are looking for role models. Why do you think Fonzie was so popular?
Gloria: He told people that they were rich, but really took their money with his scheme?
Jay: No, that's a- Yes. Those people were victims of a Fonzie scheme.

Quote from Gloria in After the Fire

Jay: [aside to camera] Terrible tragedy.
Gloria: They're our closest friends.
Jay: We know them. Uh, Manny and their son Reuben are tight. In fact, I put in one of their closets. Not that it matters, but it was the only structure to survive the fire.
Gloria: Por favor, don't even say that word! In my country it is considered very, very bad luck when your house burns down.

Quote from Cameron in Treehouse

Cameron: [aside to camera] If she were a hot guy, I would never have been that smooth. It's ironic. Like the Gift of the Vagi.

Quote from Phil in Dude Ranch

Phil: [aside to camera] I've been practicing like crazy, all my cowboy skills: shootin', ropin'. pancake eatin'. Why? Because sometimes I feel like Jay doesn't respect me as a man.
Phil: It's just that when you say, "Phil is my son-in-law," it sounds like you're saying, "Phyllis," comma, "my son-in-law."
Jay: That's ridiculous.
Phil: Okay, who's your son-in-law?
Jay: Phil is.

Quote from Jay in Mother's Day

Jay: What the hell are those?
Phil: Onion goggles. No more tears when I cook. Welcome to the 21st century. You should get a pair.
Jay: I was gonna suggest the same thing.

Quote from Cameron in Mother's Day

Cameron: [aside to camera] There's nothing gays hate more than when people...
Both: Treat us like women.
Cameron: We're not. We don't want to go to your baby shower. We don't have a time of the month. We don't love pink.
Mitchell: You love pink.
Cameron: No, pink loves me.

Quote from Manny in Regrets Only

Jay: [singing] Oh, Danny boy The pipes The pipes are calling From glen to glen And down the mountainside The summer's gone And all the roses-
Manny: You keep this up, and this won't be the last plug I pull.

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