Cameron Quote #332
Quote from Cameron in Treehouse
Cameron: [aside to camera] If she were a hot guy, I would never have been that smooth. It's ironic. Like the Gift of the Vagi.
Modern Family Quotes
‘Treehouse’ Quotes
Quote from Luke
Phil: No, don't go! I'm doing this for you!
Luke: Are you, dad? Are you?
[aside to camera:]
Phil: The kid made me think with that one. Who was I really doing this for?
[aside to camera:]
Luke: Sometimes I just say, "Are you, dad? Are you?" because he gets real quiet and doesn't notice when I walk away.
Quote from Jay
Manny: What's up, big guy?
Jay: How hard is it to learn this salsa dancing stuff?
Manny: Not hard at all. It's about tapping into your emotion, your passion, and your inner fire.
Jay: Crap!
[aside to camera:]
Jay: I stink at dancing. First dance at our wedding, Gloria was all graceful and gorgeous, and I was all big and clunky. Like that scene from "Beauty and the Beast." Actually, that was the song. Manny picked it. He didn't like me back then.
Quote from Phil
Luke: Are you sure this is a good idea?
Phil: Are you kidding me? You're gonna have so much fun hanging out up here with your buddies. Trust me, when you get older, it all changes.
Luke: Why?
Phil: Well, life gets in the way. Did I just say "wife gets in the way"? 'Cause sometimes I do that.
Luke: Nope, you're good.