Rory Gilmore Quotes     Page 32 of 33  

Quote from Will You Be My Lorelai Gilmore?

Rory: [on the phone] I don't even know if I should be sitting down already, but I walked in, it was really crowded, and this woman left her table, so I grabbed it, and now I'm scared to get up because maybe I'll lose it.
Lorelai: Keep the table, skip the coffee.
Rory: Really?
Lorelai: Yeah. And when he gets there, go decaf.
Rory: Yeah, I know I'm a little nervous, but it's only because doing well at this meeting could mean the difference between interviewing world leaders and standing on street corners with pictures of celebrities in matching outfits asking passersby who wore it best.
Lorelai: Pretty high stakes.
Rory: I know. Distract me.


Quote from Hay Bale Maze

Logan: Man, you look great. That is one smart-looking suit.
Rory: Well, let's hope that it does most of the talking because I keep thinking of questions that they might ask me, and this lovely little thing keeps happening where my mind goes completely blank. You know it's like "Rory, what journalists do you admire?" " [clears throat] What journalists do I admire?" And nothing. It's a blank. It's like a snowstorm in here. It's all white and empty.
Logan: [to Rory] You're gonna be great.
Doyle: Absolutely.
Paris: Or you'll choke. [off their looks] What? It's your first big interview. You very well may panic. I'm just saying, don't panic if you panic.
Rory: Ah that's so sweet, Paris.

Quote from Hay Bale Maze

Rory: [on the phone] I met the editor, Kate Hessel, and she invited me in. I sat down, we started talking, and we just had so much to talk about. It was great. It was an amazing interview.
Lorelai: Wow, that's great.
Rory: It was we talked about Seymour Hersh and how he was comparing Iran to Nicaragua and the contra war. And everything, from Alexander Haig and Watergate to the Oprah phenomenon. And the best part was I was just being myself, you know? I was just talking, and I forgot about impressing her.
Lorelai: But there you were, impressing her.
Rory: Yeah, and she said she'd call me by tomorrow to let me know whether or not I got the job.

Quote from Hay Bale Maze

Logan: Oh, a pro/con list. Classic Rory Gilmore pro/con list.
Rory: There's so many factors!
Logan: Yeah.
Rory: What about all the other newspapers that have my résumé, you know? Taking this job means rejecting all those other possibilities. I should factor that in.
Logan: Yeah.
Rory: Or what about the very real possibility that print journalism is a dying animal? I should factor that in as a pro, because newspaper jobs might become increasingly rare, and I should snap up what I can get, but also as a con, because I should be careful about getting too entrenched in what could become an anachronistic medium.
Logan: Mm-hmm. "Pro - air quality in Providence as compared to air quality in Manhattan. Con - Chinese-food quality in Providence as compared to Chinese-food quality in Manhattan." You need to go to sleep.
Rory: Oh, no, but these are pivotal hours. I mean these are the hours when I'm gonna make my decision.
Logan: You need sleep, haven't you ever heard of the expression "sleep on it"?
Rory: But...
Logan: We can do a pro/con list about you doing a pro/con list, but I say we do it in the morning.

Quote from Hay Bale Maze

Rory: What are you doing there, babe?
Logan: Just trying to get my pants on and get some water.
Rory: Oh, yeah? Some water? With your pants?
Logan: Yeah, I don't want to go out there without pants.
Rory: You need to put a shirt on to get water?
Logan: Yeah, what if your mom's out there? I don't want her thinking I'm David Hasselhoff or something.
Rory: She's not gonna think you're David Hasselhoff. Socks? Logan, she's not gonna think anything weird. I promise.
Logan: Socks without shoes looks ridiculous. I'll be right back, sweetie.
Rory: All right, good night, David Hasselhoff.

Quote from Bon Voyage

Rory: You went up to her and said hi, and she said, "Hi, I'm Christiane Amanpour, nice to meet you"?
Lorelai: No, I didn't go up to her at all. I looked at here and saw that it was her, and I went to get you.
Rory: So I could look at a fake Christiane Amanpour?
Lorelai: She's real.
Rory: Yeah. Remember the time when you thought saw Sandra Day O'Connor?
Lorelai: Yeah, well, this is different and I haven't had any cough syrup.
Rory: I guarantee you it's not her.
Lorelai: You doubt my ability to recognize a glamorous, international war correspondent?
Rory: I guarantee you it's not her.
Rory: Oh, my God, that's Christiane Amanpour!

Quote from Bon Voyage

Lorelai: Okay, here she is. This is Rory Gilmore. Rory, meet Christiane Amanpour.
Christiane Amanpour: Hi, Rory. How are you? Nice to meet you.
Rory: Nice to meet you, too. I'm sorry to meet you in my pajamas. I don't usually walk around town like this.
Christiane Amanpour: That's okay.
Rory: I just think you are so inspiring. Your reporting is so bold and moving and fascinating and I know you've won nine Emmys, but I just don't think that's enough not that you care about that kind of thing, but I just want to say thank you.
Christiane Amanpour: Thank you. That's really nice of you. And your mother says that you've graduated Yale, you're editor of the Yale Daily News. That's not bad.
Rory: Oh, thank you. I want to pursue a career in journalism.
Christiane Amanpour: That's good. Is it print you want? Television? CNN, maybe?
Rory: Oh, I'd love to work for a major daily.
Christiane Amanpour: Do you know which one?
Rory: Any one that will take me.
Christiane Amanpour: That's the spirit. I mean, you just get in there, do what you can, show them what you've got, and the rest will take care of itself.
Rory: That's my plan. Listen, I don't often do this, but I'm going to give you my card, and if you want to send me some stuff, I'll have a look at it and you know stay in touch.

Quote from Bon Voyage

Lorelai: Hey, you got to be careful when you drink coffee on the bus, it's bumpy.
Rory: I can handle it.
Lorelai: I should have gotten you a sippy cup.
Rory: Maybe I should get a flask.
Lorelai: Do they make flasks for hot beverages?
Rory: Yeah, they're called thermoses.
Lorelai: Right, I'll get you a thermos that says "World's Greatest Reporter" to match your cap.
Rory: Oh, yeah, about that, I meant to tell you that I left that cap at home.
Lorelai: What?
Rory: Well, it wasn't very flattering.
Lorelai: Well, how will people know you're the world's greatest reporter?
Rory: I don't know.
Lorelai: I guess they'll just have to read your stuff.
Rory: I guess so.

Quote from Hammers and Veils

Rory: Funny. I never pictured you as a Bob Vila kind of girl.
Paris: Rebuilding Together is an extremely prestigious and respected organization. I've been volunteering for them for years.
Rory: Really? You just love the overalls?

Quote from Pilot

Rory: So, nice dinner at the grandparents' house.
Lorelai: Oh, yeah. Her dishes have never been cleaner.
Rory: You and Grandma seemed to have a nice talk.
Lorelai: How much did you hear?
Rory: Not much. You know, snippets.
Lorelai: Snippets?
Rory: Little snippets.
Lorelai: So basically everything?
Rory: Basically, yes.
Lorelai: Well, the best-laid plans.

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