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Quote from Rory in Hay Bale Maze

Logan: Oh, a pro/con list. Classic Rory Gilmore pro/con list.
Rory: There's so many factors!
Logan: Yeah.
Rory: What about all the other newspapers that have my résumé, you know? Taking this job means rejecting all those other possibilities. I should factor that in.
Logan: Yeah.
Rory: Or what about the very real possibility that print journalism is a dying animal? I should factor that in as a pro, because newspaper jobs might become increasingly rare, and I should snap up what I can get, but also as a con, because I should be careful about getting too entrenched in what could become an anachronistic medium.
Logan: Mm-hmm. "Pro - air quality in Providence as compared to air quality in Manhattan. Con - Chinese-food quality in Providence as compared to Chinese-food quality in Manhattan." You need to go to sleep.
Rory: Oh, no, but these are pivotal hours. I mean these are the hours when I'm gonna make my decision.
Logan: You need sleep, haven't you ever heard of the expression "sleep on it"?
Rory: But...
Logan: We can do a pro/con list about you doing a pro/con list, but I say we do it in the morning.

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