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Quote from Rory in Bon Voyage

Lorelai: Hey, you got to be careful when you drink coffee on the bus, it's bumpy.
Rory: I can handle it.
Lorelai: I should have gotten you a sippy cup.
Rory: Maybe I should get a flask.
Lorelai: Do they make flasks for hot beverages?
Rory: Yeah, they're called thermoses.
Lorelai: Right, I'll get you a thermos that says "World's Greatest Reporter" to match your cap.
Rory: Oh, yeah, about that, I meant to tell you that I left that cap at home.
Lorelai: What?
Rory: Well, it wasn't very flattering.
Lorelai: Well, how will people know you're the world's greatest reporter?
Rory: I don't know.
Lorelai: I guess they'll just have to read your stuff.
Rory: I guess so.

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