Maeby Funke Quotes     Page 10 of 12    

Quote from Senoritis

Michael: He's got this privacy software. Keeps people from stealing your stuff. Tell her, pal.
Narrator: Maeby tried to hide her jealousy.
Maeby: So it's privacy software that's also anti-piracy? Do you have a way of doing this?
George Michael: Well, it's just a Boolean-driven aggregation, really, of what programmers call "hacker-traps."
Narrator: But as she listened to her cousin discuss computer technology she had no understanding of, she lost that feeling of superiority, and her self-esteem plummeted as she started to question the entirety of what she had done with her life for the last several years.


Quote from Senoritis

Maeby: Can I get a Macallan 12 neat, water back?
Bartender: ID?
Maeby: Actually, can we make it, marry me, a Wild Turkey?
Bartender: I still need to see some ID.
Maeby: Right. There you go.
Bartender: Thank you. I'm supposed to believe you're 17?
Maeby: Oh, no, sorry. That's my fake for sneaking back into high school. Here we go, 23.
Bartender: Oh, you're Maeby. Well, you can have one, but you got quite a bar tab.

Quote from Senoritis

Maeby: No, we got to tell people about it. I just got a lifetime achievement award. I'm finished. And also, I think you should consider calling it The Fakeblock. It's cleaner, like The Netflix.
George Michael: It's just not ready. Okay, there's still a bunch of programming problems.
Maeby: You can get it ready, George Michael. What, you think they invite the animals and ask them to wait while they build the zoo?
George Michael: No, that would be a bloodbath.
Maeby: Yeah, a total [bleep] bloodbath.

Quote from Senoritis

Narrator: But Maeby was more concerned about losing yet another income stream.
Maeby: So he's trying to snake the bottom bitch from my stable?
Narrator: And more importantly, her rep on the street. And she knew just who to go to about it.
Maeby: He stole money from me. He's a bully, so I want you to "bad cop" him for me a little, okay?
Perfecto: So where is this bully?
Maeby: He's right there.
Perfecto: The little guy with the cigarette?
Maeby: No, the ripped Black guy behind him.

Quote from Family Leave

Maeby: Wow. You're really just burning bridges all over the place, aren't you?
George Michael: I don't know what to do.
Maeby: Well, for starters, you could post it on Dadfights.
George Michael: Wait, that's a thing? It's just, like, a bunch of guys punching their dads, or?
Maeby: Yeah, well, you're supposed to say, "Guess what, Dad," but then some dads were catching on, and they were just whaling on their kids. You can watch those clips on That'sWhatSon.

Quote from Family Leave

George Michael: Well, my dad didn't hit me back, which is even worse. Still, I mean, he knew I was the other man. For God knows how long.
Maeby: Well, it couldn't have been for long. He didn't seem to know when I told him.
George Michael: You told him I was dating Rebel?
Maeby: Well, technically, I said she was dumping her boyfriend, but... Yeah. I was kind of hoping something like this would happen. Hey, you had fired me. I was...
George Michael: ...mad.
Maeby: ...bored.

Quote from Family Leave

George Michael: I should call him and say I'm sorry.
Maeby: Look, if you apologize to him, it's gonna make him feel horrible. So I think you should do it.

Quote from Everyone Gets Atrophy

Maeby: So when my mom's giving the speech, we'll be in the background, and we're just going at it. [laughs] And I'm like, "Why have I never thought of that before?"
George Michael: Kind of feels like you have. To me, it seems like what you really want is for your mother to see you for who you are. Why don't you write a speech for her to say about you, about how lovely and smart you are, how you've blossomed as a young woman into this incredibly beautiful and special person that anyone would be lucky to get to share their life with.
Maeby: I think I see where you're going with this.
George Michael: An incredibly attractive, incredibly rare and precious gem.
Maeby: And then, I open my mouth, and I have these rotted out meth teeth. And I'm like, "Then why do I gotta [bleep] my cousin for some meth money, Mom?" You know, or something like that.
George Michael: I feel like we're circling it.
Maeby: Yeah.
George Michael: I don't know, maybe that's just a shade unnecessarily cruel.
Maeby: Well, at least I didn't punch her in the face.

Quote from An Old Start

George Michael: This is incredible!
Maeby: Right?
George Michael: Why is the lobby so off-putting?
Maeby: That's what the seniors do to keep the young people away. You know, they don't want "dot-commers" taking over.
George Michael: Nice. Like you and me.
Maeby: Exactly.

Quote from An Old Start

George Michael: How were you able to get in?
Maeby: Well, when I came back from Mexico, I found a parking pass in Lucille 2's Cadillac, right? And, apparently, she kept a place for these "trysts" with old lovers from years ago. Or they were like co-owners or something. But they just kept it here, empty, until one of them needed it. So that was lucky. [chuckles] I just had to make myself look older, you know?
George Michael: Yeah, I would think that that'd be a great use of the gray wig.
Maeby: No, I went down that road.
Narrator: But wasn't expecting how upsetting it is to see one's self grown old. The moment when a young woman realizes...
Maeby: Oh, my God, I've become my father.

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