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Quote from Maeby in An Old Start

George Michael: How were you able to get in?
Maeby: Well, when I came back from Mexico, I found a parking pass in Lucille 2's Cadillac, right? And, apparently, she kept a place for these "trysts" with old lovers from years ago. Or they were like co-owners or something. But they just kept it here, empty, until one of them needed it. So that was lucky. [chuckles] I just had to make myself look older, you know?
George Michael: Yeah, I would think that that'd be a great use of the gray wig.
Maeby: No, I went down that road.
Narrator: But wasn't expecting how upsetting it is to see one's self grown old. The moment when a young woman realizes...
Maeby: Oh, my God, I've become my father.

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