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Blade Runner: The Musical

‘Blade Runner: The Musical’

Season 10, Episode 11 -  Aired January 11, 2023

Beverly tries to get Adam out of his creative funk by getting him the director's role on the school musical. Meanwhile, Erica tries to get Geoff to spend more time with the JTP and less time in her new moms group.

Quote from Barry

Adult Adam: [v.o.] While I had my work cut out for me, Barry was working on getting Geoff back in the JTP.
Barry: JTP reunited with Geoff.
All: JTP reunited with Geoff!
Naked Rob: Hey, what's with the video tape?
Geoff: Oh, Muriel rolled over, and I got it on film. Should we ask the bartender to play it on that TV?
Barry: I will! She said, "No." [throws tape] We are gathered here to support the birth of Andy Cogan by watching his favorite sport, ladies wrestling.
Geoff: Is this GLOW, the "Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling" from TV?
Barry: No, this is PLOW... The Pennsylvania Ladies of Wrestling. 'Cause we're all gonna get plowed tonight.


Quote from Geoff

Naked Rob: Uh, ladies, this is Andy. It's his birthday.
Andy: Yeah, it is.
Barry: And he likes strange women walking up to him.
Andy: Yeah, I do.
Matt: And he's currently very single.
Andy: Yeah, I am.
Geoff: Not me, though. I got a wife and kid at home. You want to see a photo of my little one? Be warned, you will "aww" from cuteness. [the ladies walk away] Eh, it's probably for the best. Those ladies seemed a tad eager.
Matt: Yeah, we hate that.
Naked Rob: So much.
Andy: It's my birthday, dude.

Quote from Adam

Adam: I heard several full conversations throughout my performance, so thanks for that.
Johnny Atkins: Yeah, we gotta talk. You've been recast. Here's your new scene partner.
Adam: You mean a dance number with a mop, like Fred Astaire with a hat rack?
Johnny Atkins: No, you're the new janitor. Now moppy-mop.
Adam: Wait, what?
Johnny Atkins: Dude, some people just aren't meant to be entertainers. Like, specifically you.
Adam: But that's my whole thing. I'm a triple threat. I act, I write, I direct.
Johnny Atkins: You're still a triple threat. Mop, rinse, bucket. Watch out, dirt.

Quote from Adam

Beverly: There's my prince of gourds.
Adam: Here's the thing... I ain't doing that.
Beverly: Directing a musical tribute to pumpkins and squash is an opportunity of a lifetime.
Adam: Is it? Is it?! I'm actually asking the question because I don't know what anything means anymore.
Beverly: Fine. Who says that the Winter Gourd Fest has to be about gourds?
Adam: I think everybody.
Beverly: Nonsense. Cold-weather vegetables are merely a suggestion.
Adam: Really? So I can do anything?
Beverly: Since you seem slightly sad, I will say yes for now and then deal with the certain fallout.
Adam: Oh, Mama, you did it again!
Beverly: Yes! And whatever you come up with will surely celebrate the most perfect person in your life.
Adam: I'll humor you with a maybe. To my new burly computer.

Quote from Adam

Adult Adam: [v.o.] With that, I got to work on an idea that had been rattling around in my head forever.
Adam: I stayed up all night and wrote what future generations will hail as a masterpiece. [angelic chorus sings] I present to you "Blade Runner: The Musical"! Any questions?
Adult Adam: [v.o.] There were more than a few.
Adam: Adam F. Goldberg is back, baby!

Quote from Erica

Adult Adam: [v.o.] Geoff's night out with the JTP hadn't exactly gone as planned.
Erica: Hey, hon. How was being with your best buds? Much better than sitting around with a bunch of moms, am I right?
Geoff: It was terrible. We're completely different people now.
Erica: Like, different in a way you still want to hang out on Saturday evenings at 5:00 p.m.?
Geoff: They're so immature. They wanted to watch ladies wrestle, possibly in mud.
Erica: Sweetie, I don't mind if you watch ladies wrestling every Saturday night. You can even wrestle with them.
Geoff: Anyway, how was the parent group?
Erica: It was better than usual. Lots of estrogen, everyone felt comfortable.
Geoff: Ah, we're so lucky to have them.

Quote from Barry

Adult Adam: [v.o.] With that, it was time for Erica to tell her husband the truth. Or go find Barry and make him do it.
Erica: What the hell, dude? You were supposed to yank Geoff back into the JTP.
Barry: Dadhood has ruined him. He used to just be an anxious buzzkill. Now he's a full-blown party pooper.
Erica: Maybe you guys are the poopers. And stop worrying about Geoff and grow up.
Barry: I am fully grown. Mom's friend said so.
Erica: Look, Geoff's a dad now. And maybe someday God will have a sense of humor and make you one, as well. So why not learn about where he's coming from before you kick him to the curb?
Barry: You're right. He's more than a dork married to a shrew. He's also a lame dad. I've got some thinking to do.

Quote from Mr. Glascott

Principal Ball: The Winter Gourd Fest is back on and Adam's getting replaced.
Mr. Glascott: Yes! It's Glascott-o-clock!
Principal Ball: Andrea, you're up.
Mr. Glascott: On deck and ready to go.

Quote from Beverly

Adult Adam: [v.o.] There's my indestructible Schmoo who accepts life's triumphs and defeats with the same amount of grace.
Adam: Which scarf says brilliant director more, cream or off-cream?
Beverly: The choice is too hard. You should quit.
Adam: What? I just need to pick.
Beverly: Oh, no. The pressure they put on you to make these decisions... No. No. You should quit.
Adam: Never! This is gonna be my magnum opus.
Beverly: That the world isn't ready for. Better to quit now and just save it for later.
Adam: What's all this quitting talk?
Beverly: Oh, boy. Um, how do I say this? Um, Adam, you... You're f... Adam, you're fired. Principal Ball is shutting down the show. I've failed as a mother. I enabled you with too much praise, and you took it too far. I'm sorry.
Adam: Okay. First I was demoted to janitor. Now I'm being fired from something I actually care about. [sighs] Maybe I'm really not supposed to do this anymore.

Quote from Mr. Glascott

Mr. Glascott: Major school emergency. The children refuse to musically honor the mighty gourd.
Beverly: John, what are you saying?
Mr. Glascott: I'm saying that Adam inspired them with his adult robot tale, and they won't perform anything else.
Adam: Really?
Mr. Glascott: You need to get down there and put on a show.
Adam: Uh... I don't know.
Beverly: I do. Adam, you're re-hired.

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