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Quote from Adam in Blade Runner: The Musical

Beverly: There's my prince of gourds.
Adam: Here's the thing... I ain't doing that.
Beverly: Directing a musical tribute to pumpkins and squash is an opportunity of a lifetime.
Adam: Is it? Is it?! I'm actually asking the question because I don't know what anything means anymore.
Beverly: Fine. Who says that the Winter Gourd Fest has to be about gourds?
Adam: I think everybody.
Beverly: Nonsense. Cold-weather vegetables are merely a suggestion.
Adam: Really? So I can do anything?
Beverly: Since you seem slightly sad, I will say yes for now and then deal with the certain fallout.
Adam: Oh, Mama, you did it again!
Beverly: Yes! And whatever you come up with will surely celebrate the most perfect person in your life.
Adam: I'll humor you with a maybe. To my new burly computer.

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