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Quote from Beverly in Blade Runner: The Musical

Adult Adam: [v.o.] There's my indestructible Schmoo who accepts life's triumphs and defeats with the same amount of grace.
Adam: Which scarf says brilliant director more, cream or off-cream?
Beverly: The choice is too hard. You should quit.
Adam: What? I just need to pick.
Beverly: Oh, no. The pressure they put on you to make these decisions... No. No. You should quit.
Adam: Never! This is gonna be my magnum opus.
Beverly: That the world isn't ready for. Better to quit now and just save it for later.
Adam: What's all this quitting talk?
Beverly: Oh, boy. Um, how do I say this? Um, Adam, you... You're f... Adam, you're fired. Principal Ball is shutting down the show. I've failed as a mother. I enabled you with too much praise, and you took it too far. I'm sorry.
Adam: Okay. First I was demoted to janitor. Now I'm being fired from something I actually care about. [sighs] Maybe I'm really not supposed to do this anymore.

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