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Quote from Erica in Blade Runner: The Musical

Adult Adam: [v.o.] Geoff's night out with the JTP hadn't exactly gone as planned.
Erica: Hey, hon. How was being with your best buds? Much better than sitting around with a bunch of moms, am I right?
Geoff: It was terrible. We're completely different people now.
Erica: Like, different in a way you still want to hang out on Saturday evenings at 5:00 p.m.?
Geoff: They're so immature. They wanted to watch ladies wrestle, possibly in mud.
Erica: Sweetie, I don't mind if you watch ladies wrestling every Saturday night. You can even wrestle with them.
Geoff: Anyway, how was the parent group?
Erica: It was better than usual. Lots of estrogen, everyone felt comfortable.
Geoff: Ah, we're so lucky to have them.

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