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Quote from Barry in Blade Runner: The Musical

Adult Adam: [v.o.] With that, it was time for Erica to tell her husband the truth. Or go find Barry and make him do it.
Erica: What the hell, dude? You were supposed to yank Geoff back into the JTP.
Barry: Dadhood has ruined him. He used to just be an anxious buzzkill. Now he's a full-blown party pooper.
Erica: Maybe you guys are the poopers. And stop worrying about Geoff and grow up.
Barry: I am fully grown. Mom's friend said so.
Erica: Look, Geoff's a dad now. And maybe someday God will have a sense of humor and make you one, as well. So why not learn about where he's coming from before you kick him to the curb?
Barry: You're right. He's more than a dork married to a shrew. He's also a lame dad. I've got some thinking to do.

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