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Quote from Barry in Blade Runner: The Musical

Adult Adam: [v.o.] While I had my work cut out for me, Barry was working on getting Geoff back in the JTP.
Barry: JTP reunited with Geoff.
All: JTP reunited with Geoff!
Naked Rob: Hey, what's with the video tape?
Geoff: Oh, Muriel rolled over, and I got it on film. Should we ask the bartender to play it on that TV?
Barry: I will! She said, "No." [throws tape] We are gathered here to support the birth of Andy Cogan by watching his favorite sport, ladies wrestling.
Geoff: Is this GLOW, the "Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling" from TV?
Barry: No, this is PLOW... The Pennsylvania Ladies of Wrestling. 'Cause we're all gonna get plowed tonight.

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