Aunt Helen Quotes     Page 4 of 6    

Quote from There's the Rub (Part 1)

Vivian: How was the trip?
Vy: Oh, well, a little bumpy.
Vivian: Turbulence?
Vy: No, no, no. For five hours straight, Helen never stopped moving.
Aunt Helen: Well, that's why I've always had a boyfriend. You know that's right.


Quote from There's the Rub (Part 1)

Vy: Oh, Ashley, sweetie pie. How you doing? Oh, I guess you're gonna be rolling up those sleeves and helping us in the kitchen? I can't wait to get elbow deep in them turkey gizzards.
Aunt Helen: Honey, you need to get cable.
Ashley: Just because I'm a woman, I'm suppose to don an apron on Thanksgiving? I don't think so.
Aunt Helen: Well, I guess somebody burned their training bra.

Quote from There's the Rub (Part 1)

Aunt Helen: All right. Vy, I'm gonna need this area to chop up my onions.
Vy: No, no, no. Not before I chop up my parsley. I don't want your onions ruining my stuffing.
Aunt Helen: Believe me, you don't need my onions to ruin your stuffing.
Hattie: Children, please.
Aunt Helen: Just like you, moving in on somebody.
Vy: You're the one to talk. I had my own room before you came along.
Aunt Helen: Why don't you let that go? You hold on to things like a rottweiler.
Vy: Now, why did you have to go there? What are you talking about, "holding on to something"?
Hattie: I'm glad I never had daughters.

Quote from There's the Rub (Part 2)

Vivian: I wonder why Philip and Will are so late.
Vy: Well, maybe they pulled in, smelled your stuffing and turned back around.
Aunt Helen: [laughs] Now, that's a good one. [laughs] Of course, yours ain't no better.

Quote from There's the Rub (Part 2)

Vivian: It doesn't matter whose stuffing was best it was just fun being in that kitchen together. Oh.
Aunt Helen: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Listen, I love y'all too but the bottom line is my stuffing was the best. Any fool can see that. [all groan] You tasted it. You tasted it with your own mouth. [all leave] Slaving in that- No, I was slaving in that kitchen all day. I know who I am. I don't care if y'all leave the table. Happy Thanksgiving to you too. Every man I cook for likes what I cook. That's right. I'm all right. I'm getting out of here. Hah. I'm going somewhere for Christmas. Hah.

Quote from Breaking Up Is Hard to Do (Part 2)

Aunt Helen: Vivian, girl, you watching a talk show? Please, the Bulls are playing.
Vivian: The Bulls? Since when are you a sports enthusiast?
Aunt Helen: Child, please. Since Michael Jordan went back to the NBA and started wearing them shorts again. Ah! Look at those buns. Booyah!

Quote from Breaking Up Is Hard to Do (Part 2)

Nicky: Daddy.
Philip: [laughs] How you doing, buddy? You having a good time here at your Aunt Helen's?
Nicky: Yeah. She's teaching me all kinds of cool stuff, fat-head.
Aunt Helen: [laughs] Honey. Honey, please. You mustn't repeat things Aunt Helen tell you. [laughs] Come on. Let's go upstairs and watch the game.

Quote from Breaking Up Is Hard to Do (Part 2)

Aunt Helen: I'll tell you, Viv. I come here all the time. They got food, entertainment and men in grass skirts. Look at that. Ha, ha! Come here, boy. Come back here. [laughs] They wouldn't let me bring my leaf blower.

Quote from Guess Who's Coming to Marry?

Vivian: Wait a minute. Now where is the groom?
Janice: Frank is coming in the morning. He had to take care of some business.
Aunt Helen: Oh, yes. Speaking of taking care of business, does he? Forever is a long time, sister.
Vy: Not in front of Will, please.
Janice: Viola, wake up. Will is 17 years old. He's probably taking care of a little business himself. Aren't you, Will?
Will: Absolutely not!

Quote from Guess Who's Coming to Marry?

Geoffrey: Mr. Frank Schaeffer.
Vy: Yes. Welcome to our family. I'm Vy. I raised Janice, and looking at you, I know I raised her right. Those are the other two sisters.
Aunt Helen: Oh, yes. Cute, cute, cute, and cute. A dangerous combination. Why don't you come in, make yourself comfortable?
Carlton: Your little woman will be down any minute.
Cabbie: Great.
Philip: Thanks a lot, buddy.
Frank Schaeffer: Thanks.
Janice: Baby. [kisses Frank]

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