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Bowling for Votes

‘Bowling for Votes’

Season 4, Episode 13 - Aired January 26, 2012

Leslie can't get past one man's negative feedback in a focus group, so her campaign hosts a bowling night to show she's approachable. Meanwhile, April, Andy, Chris, Jerry and Donna hit the phones to fundraise for Leslie's campaign, and Ron is outraged by Tom's bowling style.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: Damn it.
Derek: Why are you mad? You bowled a strike.
Leslie Knope: That's how I motivate myself, you know? Never good enough. [clears throat] Let me get you a beer. Cool.
Leslie Knope: These beers are as cold as the Tuktoyaktuk Winter Road.
Derek: You watch Ice Road Truckers?
Leslie Knope: Yeah, dude. It's my guilty pleasure.


Quote from Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson: Tom, I'm asking you as a man to stop this immediately.
Tom: Boom!
Ron Swanson: What the [bleep]?

Quote from Chris

Chris: [on the phone] Put the phone down, take a deep breath, and then you are going to tell Steven that you will be treated with respect, okay? And thank you for your donation.

Quote from April

April: [on the phone] Well, gee, I don't know, Fred. All I know is that I just want to live in a world that's a better place, and your contribution will definitely help us get there, to the... [sighs] Better-place world, Fred.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: Yeehaw! Man, move over, pins. There's a new Sheriff in town. You are so down with strikes, they should call you Norma Rae.
Derek: Who's that?
Leslie Knope: It's a... Sally Field movie about unions. Doesn't matter. The point is, you're really good at this.
Derek: It's your turn. Try not to break a nail.
Leslie Knope: Ah, classic Derek with the zings. Man, that's what bowling is all about... hey.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Ben: How's it going?
Leslie Knope: It's going really good.
Ben: Oh, good.
Leslie Knope: Um, we're just hanging out and having a very good time.
Ben: Okay, I just wanted to remind you that when you're bowling, try not to fixate on just one pin. You're trying to knock down a lot of pins.
Leslie Knope: I realize that, but I will knock down this pin, and then this pin will knock down all the other pins.
Ben: Really?
Leslie Knope: Mm-hmm.
Derek: Hey, could you get me another one of these?
Ben: I... I don't work here.
Leslie Knope: Classic Derek.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: You know, Chris, I hate to pull rank, but if you're going to take a break, would you mind going in the living room, just, you know, so it doesn't disturb everybody else.
Chris: Jerry, I love it when you pull rank. [exits]
April: You're being weird. Why?
Jerry: Milli's gonna break up with Chris.
Donna: [whispers] Shut up.
Andy: Oh, my God, that's gonna be super weird when they move in together.
Jerry: Yeah, I don't know when, but she is definitely gonna do it.

Quote from Tom

Tom: Hey, Ron. Were you trying to get a seven? Because if you were, you did a great job.
Ron Swanson: I am very angry right now.
Tom: [whines]
Ann: What?
Tom: [cries] My finger was in there. Ron crushed my finger. I think it might be broken.
Ann: Are you a female bird?
Ron Swanson: It was an accident.
Tom: Oh, my God, it's already swollen.
Ron Swanson: Tom, my God, do you have any pride at all?
Tom: You did this on purpose. You're jealous of my gift.
Ann: Okay, come on, Tweety Bird, let's get you some ice.
Tom: It hurts.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: Uh, just one second. I'm running for city council, as you know, and uh, just wondering, do I have your vote?
Derek: No.
Leslie Knope: [chuckles] Derek. You old so-and-so. For reals, can I count on your vote?
Derek: Yeah, no, um, I don't think so.
Leslie Knope: But we've been here bowling all night, and we've been having fun. And you're still not gonna vote for me? Why?
Derek: I don't like you, okay?
Ben: Leslie, Leslie.
Leslie Knope: Well, you're a crappy bowler, and I pretended to lose to you.
Derek: Yeah, right. I destroyed you.
Leslie Knope: No, it's true. I am a really good bowler. Ask Ron.
Derek: I don't know who Ron is. But if you're so great, let's play again.
Leslie Knope: Good. I'd love to. Tell you what, if I win, I get your vote.
Derek: If I win, you clean my house for a month.
Leslie Knope: Done.
Ben: Hey, Leslie. I'd like to introduce you to my good friend, anyone else.
Leslie Knope: Not now, Ben. I'd like to introduce Derek's ass to my foot.

Quote from Andy

Andy: [on the phone] $20? Thank you. Uh, you know, we're really looking for donations more in the $10,000 range.

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