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Bowling for Votes

‘Bowling for Votes’

Season 4, Episode 13 -  Aired January 26, 2012

Leslie can't get past one man's negative feedback in a focus group, so her campaign hosts a bowling night to show she's approachable. Meanwhile, April, Andy, Chris, Jerry and Donna hit the phones to fundraise for Leslie's campaign, and Ron is outraged by Tom's bowling style.

Quote from Donna

Donna: Chris, you might want to take a jacket with you. It's about to get cold out there.
Chris: Thanks, Donna, but Millicent's company will keep me warm.
Donna: Take the jacket.


Quote from April

April: [aside to camera] I wished for his happiness to go away. I might be a wizard.

Quote from Ben

Leslie Knope: Hey, Derek. What a defeat, man. I mean, I did not expect to win by that much. But I warned you, I am a good bowler.
Derek: Whatever.
Leslie Knope: All joking aside, I wanna say that I actually had fun. And I'm really looking forward to your vote in the spring.
Derek: Yeah, I'll just write in "bitch."
Ben: I'm sorry, what did you just say?
Leslie Knope: Just ignore him. He's being a jerk.
Derek: I said she's a bitch.
[Ben punches Derek in the face]
Leslie Knope: Oh, my God.
Derek: What the hell?
Ben: I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
Leslie Knope: That was awesome.
Ben: I'm so sorry.
Leslie Knope: Oh, look. Here's that photo op you wanted.

Quote from Ben

Ben: So... you know... that's everything that happens so it was just what happened. It was just like... [imitates gunfire]
Police Officer: What's wrong with you?
Ben: I don't know, I just... I have a lot of adrenaline right now.

Quote from Tom

Tom: King Kong ain't got nothing on me. Ow, my "fingie" still hurts.
Ann: Oh, the bravery. The perseverance. You're an American hero.
Tom: And the best part is, beautiful, you get to drive the champion home.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: [aside to camera] Well, the headline I would've gone with is "No-strike-bowling bowler struck by Knope's striking beau."

Quote from April

April: Hi.
Chris: April Ludgate. How are you doing?
April: Uh, whatever. I'm fine. Um, how are you?
Chris: Well, as you may know, Millicent Gergich ended our relationship last night, which was disappointing. But here's why it may be the greatest thing that ever happened...
April: Yeah, good point. Hadn't thought about it that way. Um, here. Take these tickets.
Chris: Oh, no, no, no. Y-you earned them.
April: They're movie tickets, Chris. They're, like, 8 bucks. It's a gesture.
Chris: There are three of them. I thought there were only two.
April: Yeah, I know, I bought another one because I thought that maybe you, me, and Andy could go to the movies sometime. Just take the stupid tickets. I'm just trying to be nice.
Chris: Thank you.
April: There you go. [briefly hugs Chris] Okay, bye.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Tom: Okay, what are your overall impressions of this woman? What do you like about her? What don't you like about her?
Woman: I like her.
Tom: What do you like about her specifically?
Woman: I don't know. She's tough, I guess. I just like her.
Man: I like that that one guy punched that other guy, and then I like that she stood by him.
[on the other side of the glass:]
Ben: See? People vote with their gut.
Leslie Knope: Yeah, that guy said he didn't like my earrings. Go punch him.
Ben: Sure.

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