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Season 1, Episode 21 -  Aired April 17, 2012

Cece confides in Jess that she might be pregnant. Meanwhile, Jess babysits Russell's daughter.

Quote from Jess

Jess: So... that was crazy what happened with my friends, right?
Sarah: I liked it. Your life's like Gossip Girl, only everyone is old and poor.
Jess: You know, there actually was a show like that. It was called Golden Girls. I'm Betty White, Schmidt's Rue McClanahan...


Quote from Cece

Jess: But you're using birth control, right?
Cece: Yeah, of course. It's just that Schmidt gets so athletic that birth control becomes like one of those plastic barbecue covers in a hurricane.
Jess: I didn't want to know that.

Quote from Schmidt

Schmidt: I've been doing some thinking, and I think it's time that I take you on a real date.
Cece: You're asking me out on a date?
Schmidt: Yeah, it'll be our first real date. Now, Italy on Ice is a celebration of all things Italian featuring ice dancing's biggest and brightest Italian stars. Drea de Matteo is scheduled to appear, but, you know, they're not liable if she doesn't.

Quote from Schmidt

Nick: 18 years old. She was 18 years old.
Schmidt: She doesn't even know what Netscape is. Thinks of Ice Cube as mainly an actor.

Quote from Schmidt

Schmidt: Ladies, ladies, what is all the screaming about? Oh, my... Jess, have you finally agreed to be our third? Because, you know, we've discussed this.
Cece: We have never talked about that, Schmidt.
Jess: What? Schmidt, this is not the time. Schmidt, we were just thinking about what you might have been like as a baby.
Schmidt: Oh, I was the bomb diggity as a baby. I mean, I was, I was, like, break-dancing at eight months old. But they say that I needed a magnum size diaper.

Quote from Schmidt

Nick: You got Cece pregnant?
Schmidt: We used protection. I don't know how this happened.
Nick: Think she did it on purpose?
Schmidt: An Indian-Jewish baby... who wouldn't want that? Think about the bone structure.

Quote from Schmidt

Nick: [answers phone] You've got Nick.
Schmidt: Hey, Nick-ole.
Nick: What's going on, Schmidt?
Schmidt: What it be, girl? What you got going on, ma? It's the freakin' weekend.
Nick: Did you just call me "girl"?
Schmidt: Are you wearing something sexy?
Nick: Just, you know, button-down and jeans like always.
Schmidt: Oh, you got jeans on, baby, are they tight?
Nick: Hmm, they're a little loose; I buy 'em big.
Schmidt: Oh, them jeans sound sexy.
Nick: Everything all right? You want to hang out more, Schmidt?
Schmidt: You taking care of that tushy... taking care of that tushy for me?
Nick: I'm not doing, like, squats or anything. I'm trying to eat less doughnuts.
Schmidt: You still keeping it tight?
Cece: You're an idiot.

Quote from Schmidt

Schmidt: Cece, are you crying?
Cece: No. No. (sniffles) No. I-I... I just... I don't... I don't know.
Schmidt: You're an amazing woman, and you're going to do and be so many things in this life. Maybe you'll be a mom, and maybe... maybe not. But I will support you no matter what.
Cece: Thank you.
Schmidt: I also just want to give you a quick heads up. I'm probably going to be going on the internet before we have sex again, because I-I just... I don't want to impregnate the baby, you know? I mean, we could have a Russian nesting doll situation on our hands.

Quote from Nick

Nick: I never knew Italy was so much more than pizza, Schmidty. It's so much more. [cut] She's okay. You're awesome! [cut] The reenactment of Pompeii really stays with you. What a move! Two shows a day. Two shows a day! How do they do it? [cut] Hey, if you're play a gondolier, you better skate like a gondolier. [cut] You know, Schmidty? Here's this idea. We should buy skaters. [confetti] Yeah! Do something weird, Mussolini. We love you.

Quote from Cece

Jess: Okay, the pregnancy test doesn't work until after six days, so just get through the weekend and don't tell Schmidt until you're sure.
Cece: Yeah, no, of course not, of course. It's just... I can't stop thinking about what a Schmidt baby would be like.
Jess: Just, I mean, I, I don't know.
Cece: Would it just want to nurse 24 hours a day?
Jess: Probably. We could make it, like, a douche baby jar.
Cece: [gasps] Oh, my God.

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