Lorelai Gilmore Quotes     Page 112 of 114    

Quote from Lorelai? Lorelai?

Lorelai: Alanis Morissette.
Rory: What? No.
Lorelai: Yes.
Rory: But she was successful right from the start.
Lorelai: In Canada. She was on Star Search. She dated Dave Coulier. She struggled a lot before "Jagged Little Pill."
Rory: I don't think that's a good example.


Quote from Unto the Breach

Lorelai: I know he asked me out of respect, but I'll tell you what's not respectful is asking for my permission and then making me wait. Every time the phone rings, I think it's gonna be her, telling me that it's happened, but it's not. It's just my mother calling with some boring party detail, like asking me about the ratio of devil to egg.
Sookie: Ooh, that's easy. It's one part yolk and two parts mayonnaise. Oh, God, you don't care at all, do you?
Lorelai: No.

Quote from Unto the Breach

Lorelai: We should hurry up if we want to get good seats to watch Rory get her diploma.
Emily: My point is, with all the potential speakers out there, why choose someone so dull?
Lorelai: You know for a while, Rory said they were considering Henry Winkler. That would have been neat.
Emily: Who?
Richard: You mean Henry Kissinger?
Lorelai: Not unless he played the Fonz.

Quote from Unto the Breach

Rory: Okay.Just one more trip.
Lorelai: No! I can't. This is why we don't exercise. It's too exhausting.
Rory: Well, it wouldn't be so exhausting if we exercised.
Lorelai: Oh, darn your college-graduate logic.

Quote from Bon Voyage

Rory: Mom?
Lorelai: Yeah.
Rory: I don't get it.
Lorelai: What?
Rory: How can you be so okay with everything? Ever since I've told you that I'm leaving, you're just all busy with shopping and packing, and you seem fine with it.
Lorelai: It's too soon.
Rory: What?
Lorelai: If I stop to think about you leaving now, I'm gonna fall apart. We still have time left. It's too soon.
Rory: Here. I'll iron. You fold.

Quote from Bon Voyage

Luke: So, you guys know what you want?
Lorelai: Oh, hmm, I have no idea.
Rory: Looks like a delightful menu.
Lorelai: Oh, it does look delightful, charming.
Rory: Very charming, nice font.
Lorelai: I wish there were pictures. You know, I'm gonna need a minute. I can't decide.
Luke: Take all the time you need.
Lorelai: But in the meantime, could we get some eggs and bacon and hash browns to tide us over?
Luke: Coming up.
Lorelai: And pancakes?

Quote from The Bracebridge Dinner

Luke: You never lied to your kid?
Lorelai: Uh... to save her from great physical pain, yes. When she was little and she'd play in the kitchen, I told her the burners were the deviI's hands. I'd say it in a really scary evangelist voice. You know, "Don't touch the deviI's hands." She still doesn't go near the stove.

Quote from The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton

Lorelai: I don't have any clean clothes.
Rory: It's 7:15.
Lorelai: All my nice things were dirty.
Rory: It's 7:16.
Lorelai: Oh, my God. I was gonna wear my blue suit with the flippy skirt. I look so great in the flippy skirt.
Rory: It's 7:17.
Lorelai: Okay, you know what, time lady? Why don't you go downstairs and warm up the car. That would be really super. Thank you.
Rory: Just hurry!
Lorelai: This sucks! This sucks! This sucks!
Rory: [o.s.] It's 7:18.
Lorelai: For the love of God! This is the last time I buy anything just because it's furry!

Quote from Lorelai? Lorelai?

Lorelai: Jackson Pollock.
Rory: Mom.
Lorelai: He struggled before he succeeded, and I bet if you asked him now, he would tell you he was glad for that.
Rory: Jackson Pollock is dead.
Lorelai: Yes, and from heaven he would tell you he was glad about that, because god rewards those who struggle.

Quote from The Lorelais' First Day at Yale

Lorelai: All right, I confess, I didn't call the mattress guys.
Rory: What are we gonna do?
Lorelai: We'll find a dumpster.
Rory: Mom, they could trace it back to me.
Lorelai: I'll be long gone by then.
Rory: Mom.
Lorelai: All right, we'll burn it before we dump it. A match, a little gasoline.
Rory: We're here five minutes and we're already contemplating felonies.

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