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Quote from Lorelai in The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton

Lorelai: I don't have any clean clothes.
Rory: It's 7:15.
Lorelai: All my nice things were dirty.
Rory: It's 7:16.
Lorelai: Oh, my God. I was gonna wear my blue suit with the flippy skirt. I look so great in the flippy skirt.
Rory: It's 7:17.
Lorelai: Okay, you know what, time lady? Why don't you go downstairs and warm up the car. That would be really super. Thank you.
Rory: Just hurry!
Lorelai: This sucks! This sucks! This sucks!
Rory: [o.s.] It's 7:18.
Lorelai: For the love of God! This is the last time I buy anything just because it's furry!

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