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Hogan Is My Grandfather

‘Hogan Is My Grandfather’

Season 5, Episode 2 - Aired October 4, 2017

After Adam films Pops talking about his role in World War 2 for a class project, the teacher sees similarities between Pops' stories and the classic sitcom Hogan's Heroes. Meanwhile, Erica realizes that a life of being pampered by Beverly has left her without crucial life skills.

Quote from Adam

Doc: Goldberg, speak.
Adam: As you may know, filmmaking has been a passion of mine since my early years here at William Penn.
Doc: Yeah. I think we all know how that's held you back socially.
Adam: Indeed. I was wondering if, instead of the paper, you'd accept a cinematic re-creation of an important event from the war.
Doc: Sounds like someone's trying to get out of doing real work.
Adam: Other teachers have said yes, and they've been very pleased with the results. Ask around the lounge. I think you'll hear good things.
Doc: I am no longer welcome in that lounge. Lucky for you, Doc likes a good World War II movie. But you better wow me, or it's an F.
Adam: High stakes, I like that game.


Quote from Dave Kim

Dave Kim: He gets to make a movie? Seriously, why does everyone jump up and down for this kid just 'cause his parents spoiled him with a video camera?
Doc: Son, it is taking all my energy not to chuck an eraser at your head.
Dave Kim: Dave Kim's voice will not be silenced!
Adam: How is this allowed?!

Quote from Beverly

Erica: We need to talk, woman.
Beverly: [gasps] Sweet God, am I dreaming?
Erica: You ruined my life!
Beverly: Dang it. It's real. In my dreams, we wear matching sweaters and you drown me in nub-nubs.

Quote from Erica

Erica: Mom, I'm a total mess at college. Because of you, I've never had to clean or cook or act like a human in the real world.
Beverly: Are you saying I failed as a mother by being too good of a mother?
Erica: Yes! I am bleached and stinky and hungry.
Beverly: Aw. Well, let Mama do your dirty laundry and fill you with eggs and breads and meats.
Erica: Well, I kind of took a bus at 5:00 a.m. to learn adult skills, but your thing sounds way easier. Feed me the meats!

Quote from Barry

Beverly: You act like I baby them on purpose, Murray.
Barry: Mom, I'm starving. Turn this magic dust into pancakes for me?

Quote from Pops

Pops: Oop! There he is. You all ready to hit the auction house, kiddo?
Adam: [sighs] I'm sorry. I can't go.
Pops: But we pretend we're titans of industry and drive up all the prices of the nonsense art.

Quote from Pops

Adam: Pops, I'm busy. I'm in high school. I got a girlfriend. I'm making a movie on World War II.
Pops: World War II? Why didn't you say so? That's my war. Let me help.
Adam: Guess I could interview you and get some cool stories.
Pops: You want stories? I got stories. Did I ever tell you about my crazy friend Boxy in basic training?
Adam: Ooh, this is good. Was he a boxer?
Pops: No. We called him Boxy 'cause his family owned a box factory. He tripped over a table in the mess hall, hurt his foot, was sent home, became an orthodontist.

Quote from Barry

Beverly: And you pinch the shoulders, flip in the sleeves, and hello, store-quality folded shirt.
Barry: Hope you're happy, Erica. I was enjoying my life of leisure with my mom-butler and you ruined it.

Quote from Erica

Beverly: Calm down. All we're doing is learning a few easy things to appease your father.
Erica: Yeah, learning won't hurt. Then we wouldn't have to leave an awesome place like college to go to a lame place like here.
Beverly: So you want to learn so you can leave?
Erica: Exactly. Help us leave you.

Quote from Beverly

Barry: Oh, my God. You are so good at Mom stuff.
Beverly: I know. It's so frustrating. You can't come to where I am. I wish there was a way I could go someplace.
Erica: Wait! What if you came to us?
Beverly: Say it, Erica. Say every detail of every idea you just had.
Erica: Every weekend, you can visit and clean my filthy dorm, cook me food, and do laundry while I'm at class and partying with my friends.
Barry: What about me?
Erica: Fine. She can alternate weekends.
Beverly: You just solved your unsolvable problem! Yay!

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