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Season 4, Episode 15 - Aired April 11, 2019

Amy's first day as store manager turns awkward after her salary is accidentally revealed to her subordinates. Meanwhile, Mateo attempts to assume the floor manager role, while Glenn's cheery attitude in his new floor job rubs Garrett the wrong way.

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: Good morning, fellow floor workers. Floor worker Glenn Sturgis, at your service.
Garrett: What's with the shirt?
Glenn: Oh, this is a little bit of history. The original Cloud 9 uniform. One size fits all, and it still fits.
Garrett: Oh, well, looks like you're ready for work. You got your shirt, you got your giant orthopedic shoes.
Glenn: And customized insoles from The Walking Company. And also, Jerusha and I are splitting a pair of clogs, 'cause we're the same size: women's 15.
Marcus: Yeah. Your wife has beautiful feet.
Glenn: Thank you.


Quote from Myrtle

Amy: Myrtle, hey. How are you?
Myrtle: Oh, okay.
Amy: You eating some ketchup there?
Myrtle: They give me these packets for free. If you leave it in your mouth, it gets warm and tastes just like tomato soup. [chuckles]

Quote from Garrett

Garrett: [over PA] "Section 5, paragraph K) Salary. Employee shall be paid at the rate of $109,000 annually." Not sure why Amy wants you all to know she makes 109K, but, uh, good for her. "Section 6) Nondisclosure Agreement." I fear that ship has sailed.

Quote from Cheyenne

Glenn: I cut the budget. I let people go.
Amy: [to Marcus] You're gonna have to pay that back.
Cheyenne: Oh, now you're taking his money? The rich get richer.
Amy: No, it goes back to corporate, not to me.
Cheyenne: And who pays you? Corporate. Funny how that works. Follow the money, people.

Quote from Justine

Marcus: I can't pay that money back. I'm living hand to mouth as it is.
Justine: I always say, "Mo' money, mo' problems."
Garrett: That's what you say? You say that?

Quote from Cheyenne

Amy: First order of business another foot was found in the parking lot.
Cheyenne: Wow. It's so weird seeing you as the manager. It's like that one time my math teacher became my stepdad for a little bit. Like, what?
Amy: It's a big change. Must be weird.

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: [enters] Sorry. Sorry I'm late. The baby was throwing up all night, t the doctor said it's probably 'cause I just gave her part of my buffalo chicken wrap, you know? Okay, uh, let's get down to business.
Mateo: Uh, Glenn?
Glenn: Mm-hmm.
Mateo: Yeah. You're not manager anymore.
Glenn: Oh. Oh, my gosh! I'm so sorry. After 30 years, it's just- It's muscle memory.
Amy: Of course.
Glenn: Yeah. Okay, I'm gonna go take my seat and- Oh, you can read my announcements.
Amy: Oh, no, I wrote up my own announcements I'm good.
Glenn: There's some real goodies in here. They're gonna eat it up. Trust me. Go ahead. Read.
Amy: "So I bet you're wondering why there are so many cops in the parking lot. Let's just say there's a mystery afoot." [all groan]

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Hey boss.
Amy: Hey.
Jonah: Little office-warming gift. Got it in the Garden Center. I'm not sure what it is. The tag just said, "Medium Plant."
Amy: It's a large plant that didn't grow.

Quote from Dina

Dina: Oh, were you in the middle of sex?
Jonah: I wasn't. Were you?
Amy: No.
Dina: Weird. It really smells like sex in here. [sniffs] Probably smelling myself.

Quote from Dina

Dina: Anyway, I wanted to talk about our security system.
Amy: Uh, what's wrong with it?
Dina: It's crap. Glenn never let me upgrade it because of the cost, which is why I am so excited that you're in charge.
Amy: Uh, well, what does it cost?
Dina: Honestly, not that much. It's just, like, a... just a tiny bit north of $600,000. $800,000, to be precise.
Amy: Oh, yeah, well, that sounds like a bargain. Um, Jonah, what do you think?
Jonah: Um, we- Well, um, technology is always changing, so I'd probably wait a minute before investing in something new.
Amy: Hmm. That- That's a really good point. Maybe we should revisit this.
Dina: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Thank you, Jonah, for your input. So glad you were here to chime in with your valuable perspective. [exits]
Jonah: I feel like she didn't mean that.

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