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Quote from Dina in Salary

Dina: Anyway, I wanted to talk about our security system.
Amy: Uh, what's wrong with it?
Dina: It's crap. Glenn never let me upgrade it because of the cost, which is why I am so excited that you're in charge.
Amy: Uh, well, what does it cost?
Dina: Honestly, not that much. It's just, like, a... just a tiny bit north of $600,000. $800,000, to be precise.
Amy: Oh, yeah, well, that sounds like a bargain. Um, Jonah, what do you think?
Jonah: Um, we- Well, um, technology is always changing, so I'd probably wait a minute before investing in something new.
Amy: Hmm. That- That's a really good point. Maybe we should revisit this.
Dina: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Thank you, Jonah, for your input. So glad you were here to chime in with your valuable perspective. [exits]
Jonah: I feel like she didn't mean that.

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