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Cereal Bar

‘Cereal Bar’

Season 5, Episode 15 -  Aired February 13, 2020

Jonah is suspicious when Cloud 9's new owners, Zephra, install a cereal bar in the break room. Meanwhile, Garrett angles for paid time off.

Quote from Mateo

Mateo: Hey. So the cereal bar is running low. Someone should really be refilling that.
Amy: Yeah. I kind of thought that that someone would be you.
Mateo: Right, or maybe, like, Justine or Sayid. Anyway, Zephra also asked me to set up a video conference in the break room this afternoon.
Amy: A video conference? Why?
Mateo: The CEO is doing a bunch of surprise FaceTimes to Cloud 9s. Just a five-minute meet-and-greet.
Amy: Oh. Okay. Like, cool. That's exciting.
Mateo: Do you think maybe they sent us the cereal bar today just so we'd be in a good mood for the call?
Amy: Come on. No! Why is everybody being so cynical about this? Not everything is always half empty. Except the cereal bar is.
Mateo: We should really get on that.
Amy: That's right.
Mateo: Let me know what you decide.
Amy: No, I decided. It's you.


Quote from Sayid

Sayid: Amy, I need to report an employee theft.
Earl: Hey, it's our cereal. Who cares if I eat it here or at home?
Sayid: You can't fill up a backpack!
Earl: Well, fine, take some.
Sayid: I don't need your used cereal.
Jonah: Maybe we should just walk everyone through it. You know, not that they're children...
Amy: No, they're children.

Quote from Dina

Dina: Hey, favor to ask. What can you do to ugly me up? Like, pockmarks, unibrow, fewer eyes, more?
Cheyenne: Well, why do you wanna look bad?
Dina: I have a scammer in custody and I need him to confess, but he's into me, and it's just gonna make everything go wrong. I mean, my personality's a homerun, so that's not exactly helping.
Cheyenne: Well, if he's already seen you, it might be kind of weird to go back in there with more face parts.
Dina: That's a really good point. Yeah. We have to do something. It's starting to get very steamy in there.
Cheyenne: Oh, my God. You like him!
Dina: No, no, no.
Cheyenne: Is he hot?
Dina: Yes! He's exceptionally hot. But no, I don't like criminals, okay? But try telling that to my heart and my Hot Pocket.

Quote from Justine

Amy: Later today, Kira Moon from Zephra will be "surprising" us with a video chat.
Sandra: We get to talk to the CEO?
Justine: We should clarify which Hemsworth she's dating.
Mateo: I heard it's not the one you think it is.

Quote from Sayid

Sayid: We should ask if the cereal was meant to be taken home. I'm just curious.

Quote from Glenn

Amy: But you know, Kira might ask you all some questions, so I thought it would be good for us to practice, you know? Like, Glenn, pretend I'm Kira. But she's just a normal person. Just think of it like you're talking to me.
Glenn: "Me" as in you, or "me" as in her?
Amy: "Me" as in me, Amy.
Glenn: But you just said that I should pretend that you're her.
Amy: Right, and I'm saying talk to her like she's me.
Glenn: Okay, I should, or she should?
Amy: Oh, you know what, I forgot to mention that not everybody has to be on this call.
Glenn: Oh, thank God. [runs out]

Quote from Dina

Dina: Thank you for your patience. This is Cheyenne, our head of security.
Cheyenne: Totally. So let's keep things professional.
Dina: So look, we have altered merchandise, a documented history of returns. It'll be easier on yourself if you confess.
Benny: So you think that's my best move?
Dina: A lot of people would say it's your only move.
Benny: Since when do you and I care about what people say?
Cheyenne: Ooh, so do you guys know each other?
Benny: I'm not one of the herd, Dina, and neither are you.
Dina: Herds are for turds.
Benny: Herds are absolutely for turds. I'm stealing that.
Dina: Ah, then you admit you're a thief.
Benny: Oh, you're good.
Dina: You have no idea.
Cheyenne: So, like, how's this going?
Benny: She's gonna let me walk so I can take her to dinner.
Dina: Like hell I am. [they kiss] Cheyenne, what are you doing? Come on.

Quote from Amy

Kira Moon: [on video call] I'm gonna be honest with you. Retail's new to me, so you all are the experts. Tell me what you think we could do to make your lives better.
Jonah: Uh... Well, actually, for a long time now, we've been trying to get Cloud 9 to address...
Amy: Address our breakfast needs, which, by the way, you killed it today with the cereal bar.
Sandra: And also getting to work in the morning can be tough for us, so...
Amy: Which is why it's so great that we get to arrive and be greeted by the cereal bar! Anyway, that's it. That's all we wanted to say.
Kira Moon: Okay, then. You know, well, I'm getting the signal I gotta hop on another call, but we'll do this again soon. [call ends]
Jonah: Wow.

Quote from Marcus

Marcus: Hey, guys, I don't know if Kira noticed, but my fly was open for that whole thing. Like, down and open. Like, basically framing it.

Quote from Jonah

Corey: [to Amy] Hey, a customer asked if the Zephra tablet is compatible with AirPlay.
Jonah: Zephra is compatible with everything. We do not question Zephra. All hail Zephra.
Corey: Is that a yes?
Amy: Don't mind Jonah. He's just upset that the tablet won't do everything he wants it to.
Jonah: And it never will if I'm not allowed to ask it to.
Corey: Would you guys just, like, get together already? God.
Amy: We are together.

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