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My New God

‘My New God’

Season 5, Episode 5 -  Aired January 17, 2006

Dr. Cox's born-again Christian sister, Paige (guest star Cheryl Hines), comes to town for Jack's baptism. When Turk tires of the clinical, procreational sex Carla is demanding, he spices things up by deliberately making her angry. Meanwhile, the Janitor asks J.D. to help him move.

Quote from Elliot

J.D.: He's just mad because I won't help him move.
Jordan: Well, tou should have done it. Helping someone move is like oral sex. You do it once, and then they owe you for life.
Elliot: My high school boyfriend is an accountant now and he still does my taxes free. You know what's weird? He also does my brother Barry's.


Quote from Dr. Kelso

Dr. Kelso: My son Harrison dabbles in sadomasochism and he has a new gimp named Barry. Or is it Larry? At my age it's getting harder to keep track of his gimps.

Quote from Dr. Cox

J.D.: [v.o.] It's never easy to tell a family that medicine isn't working.
Dr. Cox: I wish I had better news for you. Unfortunately, we're not seeing the improvement we'd hoped for with this medication.
Mrs. Donnelly: What are our options?
Dr. Cox: I'm afraid there are no other options.
Paige: There's always prayer.
J.D.: [v.o.] Oh, no.
Paige: You know, with God by your side, anything is possible.
Dr. Cox: Could I speak with you in the "stop filling my patient's head with false hope" ward?

Quote from J.D.

Turk: Damn it, I gotta go have ovulation sex again.
J.D.: Are you actually complaining about getting to have sex? Because that is so insensitive, Turk.
Turk: J.D.
J.D.: Let me feel my feelings, Turk! We worked on this.

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: Morning, sunshine.
Dr. Cox: Never say that again.
J.D.: Noted. That was quite a fight you had with your sister. Won't it be a little awkward when you show up at St.
Mary's Cathedral on the corner of Maple and Pine right across from Temple Oheb Shalom at 4pm?
Dr. Cox: That's not where the baptism is, but nice try.
J.D.: Mark my words. When that little bastard's dipped in water, I will be there.

Quote from Carla

Carla: I paged you an hour ago.
Turk: I was in surgery.
Carla: Is that doughnut glaze on your cheek?
Turk: Guess we're not having sex?
Carla: Oh, no. We're having sex. Get in there.
Turk: Wait, baby, I'm too full.
Carla: Now, Turk!
Turk: Man!

Quote from Janitor

J.D.: Long story short, after confirming it with my bunkmates, that counselor and his "friendship" lotion were transferred out of our cabin and we never spoke about it again.
Janitor: Well, what doesn't kill you...
J.D.: [v.o.] We were thick as two thieves in a pod.
Janitor: OK, time to move some of the heavier stuff, so you might want to put on these gloves. And the attic upstairs has a lot of fiberglass in it, so a little hat.
J.D.: Thanks, pal.
Janitor: Sure, bud.

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: [v.o.] And I've always known if I make even the slightest gesture of friendship to a difficult co-worker...
Man: Who are you?
J.D.: [v.o.] I'll end up robbing an Asian couple's house.
J.D.: [v.o.] I couldn't help wondering what the sentence was for stealing a buddha. After all, people get pretty sensitive about religion.

Quote from Dr. Cox

Dr. Cox: Paige, will you just acknowledge that medicine made Mr. Donnelly better?
Paige: Fine, it was medicine.
Dr. Cox: A-ha!
Paige: Thank God for creating medicine.
Dr. Cox: [muttering] That's it! That is it! [Jack giggles] Now, you may be a total goner, but God's not getting his hands on this one. No way. No how. Come on, Jackie boy, we've got places to go.

Quote from Turk

Turk: All right. So angry sex is awesome. That's no reason to go down a bad road.
Turk: Baby, you know what I miss? When your body was kickin'.
Turk: I ain't touching no damn diapers. [screams]
Turk: Baby, all I'm saying is, in some European countries, it's totally acceptable for a man to have a mistress.
Carla: What are you?
Carla: I'm gonna make you pay for every word you said.
Turk: Worth it.

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