‘My Jiggly Ball’
Season 5, Episode 4 - Aired January 10, 2006
Elliot refuses to allow Carla, Turk and J.D. to help her get her job back at Sacred Heart. J.D. struggles to find the positive in Dr. Kelso after he's asked to introduce him at a banquet. Meanwhile, J.D. is the only one at the hospital who doesn't seem to have heard of the game Jiggly Ball.
Quote from Turk
Turk: It's true, Mr. Keck, you could probably get by without the surgery. But why would you? I'm the smartest, most skilled surgeon in this place.
Mr. Keck: Are you stuck in that candy machine?
Turk: I paid for my Rolos, I'm getting my Rolos.
Quote from Turk
Carla: If J.D. were drowning and said he didn't want you to save him, wouldn't you do it?
Turk: That depends. What if there are hot chicks at the pool? Maybe he wants one of them to jump in and save him.
Carla: Let's say there's no women.
Turk: There's always women at the pool, Baby.
Carla: Fine. He's in a pond.
J.D.: Oh, I would never swim in a pond. They're infamous for serpents.
Turk: You could swim at the Y on Tuesdays, men only.
J.D.: Have you been to the Y on man night? Not me.
Carla: Fine! Turk's the one who's drowning!
Turk: Oh, so now a brother can't swim?!
J.D.: Why do you have to go there?
Carla: Oh, my God! I would rather play Jiggly Ball than try to explain this to you two idiots.
Quote from Janitor
Janitor: Alrighty, you're gonna go first. Please enter the jiggly circle. Everybody else, on my signal, prepare to throw.
J.D.: Throw?
Janitor: Now.
[J.D. is pounded with tennis balls by the hospital staff]
Janitor: Now, anyone who caught a jiggle rebound may step up to the death line.
Nurse Roberts: I want you to think of this as a corn muffin.
[J.D. whimpers as Nurse Roberts throws a tennis ball at him from point-blank range]
J.D.: [to the Janitor] There is no such thing as Jiggly Ball, is there?
Janitor: No.
Quote from Dr. Cox
Dr. Kelso: Moving on. This Friday, I am receiving an award from the AMA.
Dr. Cox: Jerk-Off of the Year. No, Bastard of the Year. Don't you tell me! Guy I Despise So Much, I'd Pay Someone to Kill Ya, Stuff Ya and Leave by My Bed, So When I Wake Up in the Morning, I Could Roll Over and Punch You in the Face... of the Year.
Dr. Kelso: And we're back.
Quote from J.D.
Turk: Check it out, Keith's telling Mr. Morrison about his brain tumor.
J.D.: [v.o.] Seeing an intern tell someone they're gonna die for the first time is strange because even though it's a horrible and sad experience, if they get through it, there's a sense of accomplishment.
Keith: Nailed it! Hell, yeah!
J.D.: Good job, man. What'd you say?
Keith: Well, I just told him there's nothing more we can do right now. [J.D. and Turk both groan] What?
J.D.: "Nothing more we can do right now" implies there's something we can do tomorrow.
Keith: Well, I also said we'd make him as comfortable as possible.
Turk: Sounds like someone's getting new pillows and a comforter.
Keith: That man knows he's doomed!
[The patient happily waves to J.D., Turk and Keith]
J.D.: Yeah, I'm gonna need you to go back in there and use some form of the word "die." Dead, dying, deadsies, Deadwood, your choice.
Keith: What was the middle one?
J.D.: Deadsies.
Quote from Dr. Kelso
Ted: Gather round, people! Dr. Kelso has an announcement to make!
Dr. Kelso: That'll be all, Ted. You can go back to doing what you were doing.
Ted: It was my day off.
Dr. Kelso: Due to lack of funds, I'm shutting down our baby-mobile, which means there will no longer be free prenatal care for underprivileged women. Bottom line: If you're thinking about knocking up a homeless gal, I'd do it this weekend. [A bearded doctor laughs] Thank you, Colonel Doctor.
Doctor: Excuse me?
Dr. Kelso: I'm sorry. I don't know your name, and you look like that Kentucky Fried Chicken guy.
Quote from Dr. Cox
J.D.: So I have to introduce Kelso. Big whoop.
Dr. Cox: I don't think you understand the predicament you are in here. Kelso expects a long, glowing testimonial, the kind that make men cheer and women- What is it that women do, Newbie?
J.D.: How the hell would I know?
J.D.: [v.o.] They swoon.
Dr. Cox: Look, if you get up there and start kissing Kelso's ass, all your fellow attendings will think of you as a brown-nosing toady. On the other hand, if you don't pucker up, Kelso will make your life a living hell. You're officially trapped.
J.D.: I'll just say something nice that's actually true.
Dr. Cox: You go do that, and I'll go find God, quit drinking, get in touch with myself emotionally, and we'll meet right back here at half past impossible. OK?
Quote from J.D.
J.D.: Everyone has a human side, Coxie. Even Kelso.
Nurse Roberts: The hell he does. I remember a flu epidemic, we lost half a dozen children in one day. The second Kelso's foot hits the bottom of those stairs, he doesn't have a care in the world.
J.D.: You know, Laverne, I'm a doctor. So I'm not really gonna take my psychological evaluations from someone who dispenses them in between Maury and eating a corn muffin.
J.D.: [v.o.] OK, that was too mean. Apologize.
J.D.: Laverne, I- Ah, the hell with it. She's not gonna forgive you. Go for broke! I was watching CNN earlier. Apparently the terror alert in your armpits has been elevated to orange. Oh, no, he didn't. Yes, Laverne, he did.
Quote from Janitor
Janitor: "Laverne, I'm a doctor." You're a bit of a know-it-all, aren't you?
J.D.: Well, I know a lot.
Janitor: Yeah? Who was Deep Throat?
J.D.: Mark Felt, the FBI guy. That's been all over the news for months.
Janitor: Oh, sorry, rich boy. My TV doesn't get the news. Just The Bible Channel and some kind of Chinese boxing. I bet you don't know how to play Jiggly Ball.
J.D.: That's because there's no such thing.
Janitor: Ha ha, I knew you didn't know.
Quote from Dr. Kelso
J.D.: [v.o.] I know if I just follow Dr. Kelso around for a while, he'll eventually do something decent. I'm a master of stealth, I can sneak up on anybody.
Dr. Kelso: Why are you following me?
J.D.: Sir, aren't you being a little paranoid?
Dr. Kelso: I was in 'Nam, you know. They pulled off my fingernails.
J.D.: When did you get an earring?
Dr. Kelso: Enid, I'm not cheating on you. This earring is mine. [with a bloody ear] See?
Dr. Kelso: It's a hip-hop world, son. Keep up or get out of the way.
J.D.: [v.o.] I gotta get an earring.